Double or Nothing

J. M. DeSantis Boston Comic Con 2017

The above title actually has a loose double meaning. I have two conventions coming up in the next two weeks, including this weekend’s Boston Comic Con. Though more specifically it refers the delays in publishing Gentleman Cthulhu: Year Two (working title) and that I’ve decide to up the ante and publish two new books in the next couple of months to make up for it and other delays (including Chadhiyana). More, August is the month to have your name featured as a supporter in both of these books (specific information at the end of this post).

First, the conventions. This weekend I’ll be in Artist Alley at the Boston Comic Con for the…fourth year in a row? Fifth? I’m starting to lose count. In any case, it’s one of my favourite shows and not least because I love Boston (though I don’t get much of a chance to enjoy the city during the show). I’m exhibiting all three days (Friday through Sunday) and will have my usual arrangement of comics and prints and am available for commissions.

Then in two weeks’ time (on August 26th), I’ll be at Inbeon Con in New York—another great show, and not least because, Eric Hutchison, the owner of Inbeon Studios is a long-time friend and supporter. Plus, he’s a damn good creator in his own right.

Now as to the publications, I know the second volume of Gentleman Cthulhu comics seems to be the book that never comes and really, so has been the first Chadhiyana collection. As I’ve stated in the recent past, I’ve had a number of personal things to deal with and some necessary restructuring of my time and life to keep me sane, healthy, and creating (amongst other things). I won’t offer more of an explanation than that, though I do owe more of an explanation to my Chadhiyana fans (which is coming, I promise—there’s more to do with the delays than my personal life and not all of them bad, mind you).

But, in an effort to make it up to all of my fans, and also at the suggestion of an artist friend of mine, I’ve decided not only to publish the second Gentleman Cthulhu collection next month, but to also put together a new printed sketchbook for October.

The last and only sketchbook I’ve put out was the 2011 Premium Sketchbook (out-of-print since 2013 or 2014), and I’ve been secretly planning a new one for about two years now. This new sketchbook will be larger and like the former include some writing as well (I’m hoping for the size of a small trade, whereas the first was 36 pages long; I’m still scanning and arranging the content, so an exact page count is yet unknown).

That said, both books are coming together this month, and as such, if you choose to do one of the following by August 31, 2017 your name will be included in both books as a supporter (and yes, that means another extension on the Gentleman Cthulhu deadline, but it is the last—I promise):

The first way to support is through my Patreon page (

At $3.00, your name goes in both books and you’ll have access to a digital copy of Gentleman Cthulhu: Year Two (again, working title). This level of support gives you early access to new Gentleman Cthulhu comics going forward.

At $5.00, your name goes in both books and you’ll get both a digital copy and a signed physical copy of the new Gentleman Cthulhu collection. You’ll also have access to a digital copy of the sketchbook.

At $15.00 and up of support, you’ll get all of the above, plus a signed physical copy of the sketchbook. Additional perks are listed on the Patreon page.

The other way to support (if you prefer not to become a patron) is a one-time donation through PayPal (here). The above amounts apply for each of the above rewards (which should be mailed out in October or November—unless you want to pick them up at a convention).

I’ll end there in an effort to keep this post from becoming overlong (too late, I know), but expect me to post about this throughout the month. I hope a number of you reading this become supporters. Otherwise, if you’re attending the Boston Comic Con or Inbeon Con, don’t be afraid to drop by my table and say hello.

Until next week. Cheers!

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