‘Chadhiyana’ Now Available for Digital Download
My apologies, again, for last week. I was feeling very ill and having trouble keeping up with work and school. I’m better now and back on track. Last week’s page for Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows is coloured and the new page went up yesterday. And, for you Chadhiyana fans, I have some other good news: if you like to read your comics digitally, Chadhiyana (the first comic) is now available for digital download on IndyPlanet.com (for only $0.99)!
That said, I have plans to release a second edition of the first comic sometime soon. The reason is (mainly), the page count (sixteen pages) is too low for certain online distributors. So I’ve decided to include the Prologue of the graphic novel in the comic (this way anyone who has purchased the first edition doesn’t need to buy the book again as they can read the Prologue on chadhiyana.com).
I hope more people will now be inclined to purchase the original comic, now that it’s available digitally. Either way, I hope more and more people will continue reading Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows! Slowly but surely the readership is picking up, and this is only the beginning. In the coming weeks, Chapter I will come to a close, and there’s so much more to come.
Click here to purchase Chadhiyana on IndyPlanet.com (choose from Printed or Digital versions on the page).