I’ve been mentioning for some time now that I was hired to illustrate the cover for Jerome Mark Antil’s second Pompey Hollow Book Club novel, and I’m happy to announce that this month, The Book of Charlie: Spirit of the Pompey Hollow Book Club, is finally available through Barnes & Noble and Amazon booksellers (from Little York Books). It’s my third cover illustration, but arguably, the most “visible” of all of them. I’m very proud of it, and according to the book’s author, the critics like it too. But even more than the accolades, or the job well done, the most rewarding thing about this particular illustration job was what I learned from it. I thought I’d share that this week in honour of the book’s release. Read more… ›
I know most everything has been Chadhiyana, Chadhiyana, Chadhiyana lately (and with good reason, as I’m loving working on a graphic novel for the character). So, perhaps we all need a break for this week. (Maybe not? But let’s take for granted we do.) I was recently given permission by a few clients to share with you the work I’ve been doing for them, including that oft written about, yet-unrevealed book cover illustration I completed a few months back. So this week’s blog post is about the other work I’ve been doing behind the scenes between working on Chadhiyana and to show you that Chadhiyana is not all I’m doing (though, let’s face it, it’s a lot of what I’m doing, and I’m hoping to work on her more and more for many years to come). Read more… ›