Catching Up

Last week was rough. I had little motivation on account of dealing with the deaths of my grandmother and grandfather within three weeks of each other, and so, for the first time in years, I got very little done. It happens to us all, but the important thing is to pick ourselves back up and keep moving. I’m doing just that. I’m back to work this week, recharged and refocused, with new plans for 2014. Unfortunately, after last week, I’m little behind.

Yesterday, I posted the first page of Chapter I proper of Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows (my web-comic graphic novel on, however, the art wasn’t finished. I made sure to letter the pages (as I’d been promising for weeks that dialogue would begin with Chapter I). I’ll get back to finishing the page as time allows and as I continue to work on the book going forward. Also, I already have a few other projects and jobs lined up for this year and one carry over from last year which I was hoping to be further along with by now. So, for the next few weeks, things will likely be pretty hectic as I catch up.

I’m only stating all of this, because, since starting this blog, I’ve not once fallen behind to this degree, and I’m not sure how to address that other than being honest about it. Essentially, I’m just asking for everyone’s patience. It’s not exactly how I imagined this new year would begin, but I’m still determined it will be even more successful than last year. In fact, I have a lot of reason to believe, already, that it will be (more on that at a later date).

Until next time, be well.


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