Chadhiyana #3 Now on NetGalley

Chadhiyana #3 News

Strange things happen and people die as the witch has appeared to escape. Now, the Tal-Ifatiir order is terrified, and they are starting to blame Chadhiyana for all their supernatural horrors. ~ From Rosarium Publishing

The wait is nearly over. On February 12, Chadhiyana #3 will finally release through a number of digital distributors. However, if you are a NetGalley member and reviewer, you get the chance to read the issue nearly a month early!

As of yesterday, Rosarium Publishing has made the third issue of my medieval Indian fantasy comic available on the site. So, if the above description, the concept or the cover entices you, please do give the comic a read and write an honest review. You can find it at

Otherwise for my fans, both new and old, it’s only another three weeks until the issue’s release, and I can promise you it will be well worth the wait.

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