New from Dark Fire Press is the print, special edition version of the latest Chadhiyana short, Chadhiyana: The Call of Fire. This four-page comic is a teaser to the upcoming series of stories and issues from creator J. M. DeSantis ( and publisher Dark Fire Press ( Read more… ›
It’s taken a while to get to this point, but finally there’s a new Chadhiyana comic, a short titled Chadhiyana: The Call of Fire and it’s free to read on! And although I didn’t plan it to line up this (near) perfectly, the new Gentleman Cthulhu artwork reveal comic is up on today!
As I’ve written about before, I had taken a break from both projects, but intended to come back to them. Gentleman Cthulhu began his return with new comics posting since August of this year, and Chadhiyana will return in a new series next year through (my) Dark Fire Press ( And for you Chadhiyana fans, today’s post is mostly about the upcoming series. Read more… ›
I’m certain there are many people who believe Chadhiyana is just another half-finished comic project, abandoned indefinitely by its creator (as is too common an occurrence with indie-comic). Yet despite her relative public absence (except for some social media posts), the Chadhiyana series is not abandoned and is far from complete. From Chadhiyana’s near-instantaneous conception, I felt compelled to tell her story, and there’s never been a project or character more important to me (as I’ve often said). Though I realise that may come off as strange considering the hiatus I’ve seemingly taken from Chadhiyana, so I’m here to set a few things straight and offer some hope and information to the Chadhiyana fanbase. Read more… ›
First, thank you to the students at Vassar College for their hard work at the No Such Con this past weekend and for inviting me back. I had a great time catching up with some people I met last year–both exhibitors and attendees–and speaking on the panels about Cultural Competency and Self-Publishing respectively (and a special thanks to Danielle Draik and Emily Ree for inviting me to the latter). There were a few surprises during the weekend too, but before I get into that, I want to point out to my readers that the final days are approaching to get your name included in the And They Call it Mummy Love collection as a supporter (deadline: 28 February 2018). Read more… ›
It’s been a strange year, 2017. Indeed, I daresay it’s been humbling. Much has happened and been accomplished this year, but it’s also been a year for much reflection, growth, and change. Most of that change has happened behind the scenes, as it were, but it has shown itself in little ways throughout. Perhaps it’s fitting, as 2017, and to the month specifically (December, that is), marks ten years of professional work for me. Indeed, that seems to be the theme of this entire year for me, though I didn’t plan it that way: to take a step back, reflect on things, and make changes where necessary. Read more… ›
I just wanted to quickly take the time to thank the Odenton Library for inviting myself and my other Rosarium Publishing compatriots to the AAPCL (Anne Arundel County Public Library) Comic Con this past Saturday (and my thanks too to Bill Campbell for asking me to be a part of Rosarium’s presence there). It was a small show, but sometimes those are the most fun and relaxing. Plus, I always enjoy speaking on panels, and as per the encouragement of my publisher, I’m trying to speak on more of them going forward. Read more… ›
Just a brief reminder that I’m speaking on a panel with other members of Rosarium Publishing at the AAPCL (Anne Arundel Public County Library) Comic Con this Saturday. The panel is called Diversity in Children’s Comics and will also feature Micheline Hess (Malice in Ovenland) and Bizhan Khodabanden (The Little Black Fish), and it will be moderated by none other than Rosarium Publishing’s fearless leader (and writer of the recent viral–though long-ago-written–letter to DC Comics about diversity), Bill Campbell. Read more… ›
I’m taking a break from writing about Dark Souls (and other related games) this week, to give you all a little update on my convention schedule for this year. Currently, there are a few unconfirmed appearances (and one which I haven’t decided upon just yet), but the months are starting to fill in (admittedly, I’m not the most active con-exhibitor, usually averaging about one a month or month-and-a-half each year). True, I already exhibited at No Such Con in February so this may seem a bit late to be listing what’s coming in 2017, but I don’t usually attend cons in the winter. Now spring is officially here, and I already have an event coming up in May! Read more… ›
2017 is already off to a roaring start. Over the past two weeks two of my comics, Chadhiyana #5 and Gentleman Cthulhu: Year One, were released online (the former by Rosarium Publishing). Then there’s the US Presidential Inauguration and everything happening around it (such as the Women’s March on Saturday). Even with all of that, this is something of an in between week for me. One of those weeks where I’ve been so busy with work, and so many gears are turning and plans are in motion, but there’s nothing official to announce. So I thought I’d take the time this week to just write a few updates and maybe (maybe) hint at a few things to come. Read more… ›
Just one week after Chadhiyana #5’s publication (Rosarium Publishing through comiXology and Amazon), I’m officially announcing the IndyPlanet release of Gentleman Cthulhu: Year One–a collection of the first year of comics from This is the very same book that sold out before the end of the weekend at this past New York Comic Con. As such, the book will likely be on my table for a long time, but if you can’t make it to a convention I’m exhibiting at or just miss me at one, you now have the option to buy the collection online at!
As with Chadhiyana #0 (which I self-published in 2012), Gentleman Cthulhu: Year One is available in both digital and print formats on IndyPlanet. Though originally my thought was to collect only the first year until a significant collection could be made (that is, enough comics to fill a square-bound trade), I’m planning now to release a collection every year. So, if you really love the web-comic, you’ll have these comics every year to look forward to and collect. Of course, for those who wish to continue to read them online, all of the comics will remain free on the website for your enjoyment. Read more… ›