New from Dark Fire Press is the print, special edition version of the latest Chadhiyana short, Chadhiyana: The Call of Fire. This four-page comic is a teaser to the upcoming series of stories and issues from creator J. M. DeSantis ( and publisher Dark Fire Press ( Read more… ›
*(reposted from
Chadhiyana creator J. M. DeSantis is currently at work on stories and other materials for a new Chadhiyana project and the series beyond. This new project will include a number of new Chadhiyana stories, told over the course of roughly five comic issues. Read more… ›
I’ve been putting off a new blog post until there was something more significant to announce—specifically the publication of my collection, J. M. DeSantis: The First Ten Years—but the book is being held up on the printer’s end, and I’m currently working on two other books to complete for the following months. So rather than another month go by without any word, I figured an update would at least be worth while.