It’s been a long while coming, but Chadhiyana #2: In the Dwerrow Tomb is now available on GlobalComix as pay-per-page or DRM-free PDF download:
Read more… ›I’ve had so much going on in all directions (new books, upcoming projects, publishing as Dark Fire Press, interviews, conventions, etc) that it’s worth writing a single blog post that puts all the information out in one place. That’s exactly what this post is, and I may as well start with my new banner artwork as I return to exhibiting at conventions this week. Read more… ›
I know it seems impossible, but there are more publications coming from me this year. But before I get into that, a couple of site updates, and a special podcast that’s debuting in three days, I want to thank the staff at Barnes & Noble in Princeton, New Jersey for the wonderful opportunity they afforded me this past weekend during their Local Author event, in which I was talking about and signing copies of my latest book, Robert Phillips (a Lovecraftian novella centering around The Necronomicon and its author, Abdul Alhazred). Read more… ›
*(reposted from
Chadhiyana creator J. M. DeSantis is currently at work on stories and other materials for a new Chadhiyana project and the series beyond. This new project will include a number of new Chadhiyana stories, told over the course of roughly five comic issues. Read more… ›
I know I’ve written sentiments like this before, but February and March are going to be full of activity. First off, besides the work I’m doing and changes I’m making behind the scenes, I’m putting out a new Gentleman Cthulhu comic in a month or two (which I’m funding through my Patreon this month). I’m also planning to finally have some news about Chadhiyana in March. And those are just the projects that people who are familiar with my work know about. So with everything I’m working on and toward, I thought it would be a perfect time to do something of a funds drive, especially for that new Gentleman Cthulhu collection… Read more… ›
It’s been a long time since the last issue of Chadhiyana. Nine months by my count. That’s a terribly long time for a comic I was hoping to put out bi-monthly (that is, once every two months, not twice a month as the ambiguous term can be read). But Chadhiyana #5 is finally available to purchase on comiXology ( and Amazon (, and it is the opinion of both myself and my publisher that this is the best issue in the series so far. Read more… ›
Today is a very special day for me and Chadhiyana (my medieval Indian assassin comic). Not only has Chadhiyana #4 been given a release date of April 27th, but Rosarium Publishing (Chadhiyana’s publisher) has launched a massive crowdfunding campaign in order to reach the next level in its growth as a publisher: (appropriately named Rosarium Publishing: The Next Level). Read more… ›
Chadhiyana #4 has already been submitted to the publisher (Rosarium Publishing, that is) and it promises to be an intense, albeit short, issue. As much as I’d love to write more about it at this point, I’ll save that for the official release-date announcement. In the meanwhile, though it’s been available for a little over a month now, Chadhiyana #3 has still been getting some attention and is available on yet another one of Rosarium Publishing’s online distributor sites. Read more… ›
If you follow me on social media or subscribe to my mailing list, you are already in the know: Chadhiyana #3 is now available through comiXology (from Rosarium Publishing). With the release date originally projected for today through Tuesday, this was a bit of a surprise. In fact, the book was released two days ago on the site. ComiXology has had a habit of releasing these issues a few days early, and as I’m quickly learning and someone privately quipped to me yesterday, release dates don’t seem to mean much. That’s quite all right with me; this is not a complaint by any means! After all, I’d rather a book come out early than late. Read more… ›
NOTE: I wrote the following late last year, and have since found a way of solving the problem for myself (though I’m certain I’ll be re-thinking this solution again someday). That said, I decided to post the following anyway, for what it’s worth.
I tend to be a very heady person, in case some of you who read this blog regularly or semi-regularly didn’t already know. Often I’ll overthink a thing to the point it becomes dizzyingly abstract. Perhaps the following will be deemed such an example, though I would argue my overthinking here has much to do with the lack of any real, concrete rules to follow. Specifically, I’m talking about the lack of a definitive comic script format and how that effects a particular aspect of script writing I’ve not once seen discussed: how to indicate chapter breaks in a graphic novel script? Read more… ›