So many ways to support this #SmallBusinessSaturday and through the week (Click more to see the links below):
Read more… ›New from The Writeist, the grand opening of my Etsy Store! I’m starting off this new venture with my stickers selection. Many of my art prints, original artworks, and some new products will follow (after the present art Sale going on my Facebook and Instagram pages).
Read more… ›And here…we…GO!
Follow me on Instagram (@jmdwriteist) or Facebook (@jmdesantis.writeist) to see all if the artwork that is beoing posted for sale. 50+ pieces over seven posts going up today.
All artwork will list with the original price as well as the 30% discount worked out.For commissions, I’ll have limited spots at 25% (
To claim a piece, once listed, place the piece and CLAIM in the comments. I will reach out to you directly. Payment plans are optional, and I’ll be using PayPal and Venmo.The sale goes until 12 am EST (midnight) on November 28. Claims must be made in that window. I’ll be doing it on a first come, first serve on Facebook & Instagram simultaneously.
New Merchandise and Masks are now available through my growing Redbubble Store!
It’s been a long time since I wrote a proper blog post, having concentrated most of my updates on social media (follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook), and to a lesser extent on Patreon and my mailing list. But in truth I’ve been hard at work getting Chadhiyana ready for her return to publication, working at growing Dark Fire Press and its list of titles, by me and other authors, and putting some work into designs on my fairly new Redbubble Store. Read more… ›
I’ve had so much going on in all directions (new books, upcoming projects, publishing as Dark Fire Press, interviews, conventions, etc) that it’s worth writing a single blog post that puts all the information out in one place. That’s exactly what this post is, and I may as well start with my new banner artwork as I return to exhibiting at conventions this week. Read more… ›
It’s a blessing and a curse that I’m not writing my blog weekly anymore. On one hand, I’m able to focus a lot more on published(able) content. On the other hand, not having to post every week means that sometimes I neglect to post anything until things build up. There’s no perfect system, I suppose, but I need to tweak the current one a bit. That said, there’s a lot to write about, so let’s get into it. Read more… ›
It’s Cyber Monday! The day in which people spend their time (and money) shopping online for Holiday gifts. I intend to do a little of the same, though I would encourage you all (who are reading this) to browse the items in my new storefront on Just launched last week, it has a number of exclusive items available (including my original Inktober 2017 pieces, many of which have already sold) as well as sales on back-stock of select prints. But, if you’re new to this blog or even if you’re not and you need a little reminder, that’s not all I’m offering online this Holiday season. Read more… ›
Happy early Thanksgiving, everyone. And with that holiday begins the Holiday Season and, more the Holiday Shopping Season. With that (and though it wasn’t quite planned this way; it just worked out this way) I’m officially launching a new storefront on this website! Read more… ›
I wouldn’t say that Wednesday blog postings are the new trend (as Tuesday had always been the day ever since Gentleman Cthulhu took Wednesday; and while I’m on that, there’s a new comic up today:, but with everything I’m juggling at the moment, I have to admit that the blog is a slightly lower priority at present. Still, I wanted to take a moment to mention (again) the number of things coming up to keep your eye out for (or get involved in). Read more… ›