I’ve had so much going on in all directions (new books, upcoming projects, publishing as Dark Fire Press, interviews, conventions, etc) that it’s worth writing a single blog post that puts all the information out in one place. That’s exactly what this post is, and I may as well start with my new banner artwork as I return to exhibiting at conventions this week. Read more… ›
2017 is almost at an end (I know, it sort of snuck up on me too!), and there are a few things I have to finish up before the start of the New Year. Not least of these are a number of commissions for this end-2017/beginning-2018 commission season. I’m booked through the end of this year (though I might be able to fit in just one more person between Christmas and New Years if you act fast enough), but January is still open—which is the last opportunity to get a commission from me at my current prices before the price raise in February. But that’s not all… Read more… ›
In commemoration of the release of J. M. DeSantis’s first comic featuring his new fantasy heroine, Chadhiyana, the writer and illustrator is making two versions of a new Chadhiyana pin-up available as a print. Read more… ›
Getting my annual Halloween post in a little early (in case Sandy messes with my power). Another Nosferatu piece from me, this one meant to be something like a German Expressionist movie poster (such as the original film). It’s also available as a print at my deviantART store:
And wouldn’t you know it? Free shipping this week! Get your copy today.