2017 is almost at an end (I know, it sort of snuck up on me too!), and there are a few things I have to finish up before the start of the New Year. Not least of these are a number of commissions for this end-2017/beginning-2018 commission season. I’m booked through the end of this year (though I might be able to fit in just one more person between Christmas and New Years if you act fast enough), but January is still open—which is the last opportunity to get a commission from me at my current prices before the price raise in February. But that’s not all… Read more… ›
It’s Cyber Monday! The day in which people spend their time (and money) shopping online for Holiday gifts. I intend to do a little of the same, though I would encourage you all (who are reading this) to browse the items in my new storefront on jmdesantis.com: jmdesantis.com/shop/. Just launched last week, it has a number of exclusive items available (including my original Inktober 2017 pieces, many of which have already sold) as well as sales on back-stock of select prints. But, if you’re new to this blog or even if you’re not and you need a little reminder, that’s not all I’m offering online this Holiday season. Read more… ›
If my first year participating in Inktober proved one thing (aside from my confidence drawing with pen), it’s that no matter the obstacles or setbacks, I’ll come through in the end. Despite a slow down around New York Comic Con and getting sick for nearly a week, I completed the entire thirty-one piece challenge by the end of the day on Halloween.
Now, fresh off of Inktober, I’ve jumped into NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), am opening up commissions until January 31, 2018, and catching up on Chadhiyana, Gentleman Cthulhu , plus putting together an Inktober sketchbook and a larger sketchbook (which has been in development since this past summer). But again, like Inktober, rest assured, I’ll catch up, come Hell or high water. Read more… ›
I have to apologise for my absence last week, not just on my blog but on social media for Inktober and on gentlemancthulhu.com. I came down with a nasty stomach virus, and was good for little else but resting and eating bland food. So, whilst I’m behind on just about everything at the moment, I’m catching up and getting ready for some things coming in November (and the months following it even. Read more… ›
I realise it’s seemingly been a while since there was any word from me (again), both on my websites and on social media. I can assure you this absence was not planned (unlike the time I took off in the summer to recharge and reevaluate things), nor was the length of it premeditated. Rather, I was without internet access in my studio for a full two weeks—something I thought was originally only going to be a few days.
I won’t get into specifics (I still like to keep some privacy in my life), but it’s worth noting I’m back online and just in time, as there’s a new Gentleman Cthulhu collection to release, a sketchbook to finish up and print, Chadhiyana to return to, and two conventions coming up in the next three weeks. Read more… ›
The 2017 Inbeon Con is being held this weekend at the Melville Marriot in Melville, New York (Long Island), and I’ll be returning for (technically) the third year in a row. (I write technically, because my first appearance was at their Winter show, which is no longer running). Also worth mentioning is that there are only nine days remaining to get your name to appear in both my upcoming sketchbook and the second collection of Gentleman Cthulhu comics (due out this Fall). Read more… ›
The above title actually has a loose double meaning. I have two conventions coming up in the next two weeks, including this weekend’s Boston Comic Con. Though more specifically it refers the delays in publishing Gentleman Cthulhu: Year Two (working title) and that I’ve decide to up the ante and publish two new books in the next couple of months to make up for it and other delays (including Chadhiyana). More, August is the month to have your name featured as a supporter in both of these books (specific information at the end of this post). Read more… ›