I know it seems impossible, but there are more publications coming from me this year. But before I get into that, a couple of site updates, and a special podcast that’s debuting in three days, I want to thank the staff at Barnes & Noble in Princeton, New Jersey for the wonderful opportunity they afforded me this past weekend during their Local Author event, in which I was talking about and signing copies of my latest book, Robert Phillips (a Lovecraftian novella centering around The Necronomicon and its author, Abdul Alhazred). Read more… ›
As I’ve written before this year, I may be writing less blog pieces and took a break from shows, but there’s a lot happening behind the scenes (as the publications of Robert Phillips and J. M. DeSantis: The First Ten Years should already prove). But we’re nearing the end of the summer, and with the Fall comes my planned return to public appearances and shows, and just in time for that I was asked to take part in a local author event at Barnes & Noble, as well as to do a second interview with Sequential Tart. And then there are some new web-developments on the horizon, including this site and Gentleman Cthulhu. Read more… ›
Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day, everyone!
I know my blog posts have been coming more sporadically, but (despite committing to writing less about what I’m “working on”) I really have been busy working on a lot (as my Patreon supporters can attest to). Amongst those many things, and as I announced a couple of weeks ago, I’m putting together a collection of the And They Call it Mummy Love series from my web-comic, Gentleman Cthulhu (gentlemancthulhu.com). Read more… ›
I know I’ve written sentiments like this before, but February and March are going to be full of activity. First off, besides the work I’m doing and changes I’m making behind the scenes, I’m putting out a new Gentleman Cthulhu comic in a month or two (which I’m funding through my Patreon this month). I’m also planning to finally have some news about Chadhiyana in March. And those are just the projects that people who are familiar with my work know about. So with everything I’m working on and toward, I thought it would be a perfect time to do something of a funds drive, especially for that new Gentleman Cthulhu collection… Read more… ›
I wouldn’t say that Wednesday blog postings are the new trend (as Tuesday had always been the day ever since Gentleman Cthulhu took Wednesday; and while I’m on that, there’s a new comic up today: gentlemancthulhu.com), but with everything I’m juggling at the moment, I have to admit that the blog is a slightly lower priority at present. Still, I wanted to take a moment to mention (again) the number of things coming up to keep your eye out for (or get involved in). Read more… ›
I have to apologise for my absence last week, not just on my blog but on social media for Inktober and on gentlemancthulhu.com. I came down with a nasty stomach virus, and was good for little else but resting and eating bland food. So, whilst I’m behind on just about everything at the moment, I’m catching up and getting ready for some things coming in November (and the months following it even. Read more… ›
For the third year in a row (and since its move to a new location) I’ll be appearing at the Garden State Comic Fest this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) at the Mennen Arena in Morristown, New Jersey. Generally, I haven’t had much luck at cons in my native state, though GSCF is the exception. It’s one of the better cons I do year after year, and it’s run by some of the most passionate and dedicated guys I’ve seen in the con business (and I’m still impressed and grateful to Dave O’Hare’s for last year’s kindness and quick action). That said, I know I haven’t posted in almost a month…even on my Patreon and gentlemancthulhu.com. So, this weekend not only kicks off the first of three summer cons, but it also starts a re-engagement on my part. Read more… ›
EDIT: Deadline has been extended to July 31, 2017!
The second collection of Gentleman Cthulhu comics (from gentlemancthulhu.com) is releasing late this summer and you can have your name included in the next volume! During the month of June, anyone who becomes a supporter of my Patreon page (at $3.00 or above) will have their name listed in Gentleman Cthulhu: Year Two (working title) and receive an exclusive, Patreon-only digital copy of the collection before it goes to print (print copies are available for $5.00 supporters and above). Just click the link below to become a supporter!
J. M. DeSantis on Patreon
Though, if you’re interested in more information before you decide (including non-Patreon support), read on. Read more… ›
First, Happy Valentine’s Day to all. I know many people are cynical about the holiday (as it were, for some of you), but all the same, I wish you a happy one and if you do enjoy Valentine’s Day or Gentleman Cthulhu (or both) you can see this week’s comic by clicking over to gentlemancthulhu.com.
That said, this weekend is the recently added though seemingly significant No Such Con at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. I say significant because (as I’ve written about previously) I was invited not only as a guest to the show (my first guest-invite ever), but to speak on four panels (I’ve never done more than one in a single weekend). Read more… ›