Posts Tagged "Gentleman Cthulhu"

New T-Shirt Designs

New to my Etsy Store: apparel!


Happy Halloween 2020!

Halloween COVID-Masks, Merch & Books

New Merchandise and Masks are now available through my growing Redbubble Store!

It’s been a long time since I wrote a proper blog post, having concentrated most of my updates on social media (follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook), and to a lesser extent on Patreon and my mailing list. But in truth I’ve been hard at work getting Chadhiyana ready for her return to publication, working at growing Dark Fire Press and its list of titles, by me and other authors, and putting some work into designs on my fairly new Redbubble StoreRead more… ›

YouTube Interview Tonight @ 9 pm EST

J. M. DeSantis YouTube Interview 20 May 2020

J. M. DeSantis YouTube Interview

Tonight (20 May) I’ll be interviewed by JD Calderon at 9 pm EST on his YouTube Channel, LIVE! (Though the video will remain up afterward, in case you missed it.)

With lock-downs still in place all over the world, and the fact that I haven’t been putting out too many updates on current projects, I’m sure this interview is going to be full of news and updates on projects past, present, and future, including Chadhiyana, Gentleman Cthulhu, and my latest novel. Read more… ›

They’re Back: Chadhiyana & Gentleman Cthulhu

J. M. DeSantis's Chadhiyana & Gentleman Cthulhu are back!

It’s taken a while to get to this point, but finally there’s a new Chadhiyana comic, a short titled Chadhiyana: The Call of Fire and it’s free to read on! And although I didn’t plan it to line up this (near) perfectly, the new Gentleman Cthulhu artwork reveal comic is up on today!

As I’ve written about before, I had taken a break from both projects, but intended to come back to them. Gentleman Cthulhu began his return with new comics posting since August of this year, and Chadhiyana will return in a new series next year through (my) Dark Fire Press ( And for you Chadhiyana fans, today’s post is mostly about the upcoming series.  Read more… ›

EVERYTHING: From Cons to Books to Interviews + New Artwork

J. M. DeSantis Baltimore Comic-Con Diversity Con Rhode Island Comic Con 2019

I’ve had so much going on in all directions (new books, upcoming projects, publishing as Dark Fire Press, interviews, conventions, etc) that it’s worth writing a single blog post that puts all the information out in one place. That’s exactly what this post is, and I may as well start with my new banner artwork as I return to exhibiting at conventions this week.  Read more… ›

Thanks B&N, Updates, a Podcasts & More Books

Robert Phillips by J. M. DeSantis

I know it seems impossible, but there are more publications coming from me this year. But before I get into that, a couple of site updates, and a special podcast that’s debuting in three days, I want to thank the staff at Barnes & Noble in Princeton, New Jersey for the wonderful opportunity they afforded me this past weekend during their Local Author event, in which I was talking about and signing copies of my latest book, Robert Phillips (a Lovecraftian novella centering around The Necronomicon and its author, Abdul Alhazred).  Read more… ›

Updates, Interview, Book Signing, & Gentleman Cthulhu

J. M. DeSantis Author Signing at Barnes & Noble

As I’ve written before this year, I may be writing less blog pieces and took a break from shows, but there’s a lot happening behind the scenes (as the publications of Robert Phillips and J. M. DeSantis: The First Ten Years should already prove). But we’re nearing the end of the summer, and with the Fall comes my planned return to public appearances and shows, and just in time for that I was asked to take part in a local author event at Barnes & Noble, as well as to do a second interview with Sequential Tart. And then there are some new web-developments on the horizon, including this site and Gentleman Cthulhu.  Read more… ›

2019: A Year of Lovecraftian Horrors

“And with strange aeons, even death may die”
H. P. Lovecraft
from The Nameless City

Happy New Year, Everyone!

     A year in which I’m returning to Lovecraft Country a full decade since my first Lovecraft fiction was published in Planet Lovecraft Magazine. New books, comics, and art are coming, including Gentleman Cthulhu (, and, unrelated to Lovecraft, a return to Chadhiyana.

     I wrote about my plans at length in a two-part blog post at the end of last year, so I’m going to keep this brief. (Though you’re free to read those verbose posts.)


The Theme of 2019: A Continuation of “The End of 2018”

(if you have not yet, read the first part here)

What can I say about the year to come? Over the past few months the projects which have developed and come together for next year have unwittingly and almost completely developed into a theme for 2019. Because of the pattern and potential I saw, and the number of projects that have come together all at once, I laid out a plan—a fairly specific one—for next year. Included in that plan are Chadhiyana, Gentleman Cthulhu, Dark Fire Press and some very valuable and exciting changes to my Patreon.