YouTube Interview Tonight @ 9 pm EST

J. M. DeSantis YouTube Interview 20 May 2020

J. M. DeSantis YouTube Interview

Tonight (20 May) I’ll be interviewed by JD Calderon at 9 pm EST on his YouTube Channel, LIVE! (Though the video will remain up afterward, in case you missed it.)

With lock-downs still in place all over the world, and the fact that I haven’t been putting out too many updates on current projects, I’m sure this interview is going to be full of news and updates on projects past, present, and future, including Chadhiyana, Gentleman Cthulhu, and my latest novel.


I’ve embedded the video here, but please consider watching it on YouTube and liking the video. Leave a comment if you wish (especially in real-time; I’ll try to answer any real-time questions, if I can). And also consider subscribing to JD Calderon’s YouTube channel, as he’s been and will continue to be interviewing indie comic creators on the channel.

Hope to see you there tonight. Else please enjoy the video if you’ve discovered it after the fact!


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