Happy National Novel Writing Month, everyone!
If you’re a writer and participating, I hope the start of this month is going well. If not, well, I hope it’s a good month all the same. As I wrote a few weeks ago, I’ve decided to cut down on my blog posts for a while. I’m only posting once a month as I focus my efforts on more creative output. Again, I may occasionally post an extra blog piece or two on a topic I feel like writing about, but I feel I want to move away from writing about behind-the-scenes information as much, unless it’s necessary. And as it happens, there are a few updates I feel are necessary to dive into this month. Read more… ›
It’s been a strange year, 2017. Indeed, I daresay it’s been humbling. Much has happened and been accomplished this year, but it’s also been a year for much reflection, growth, and change. Most of that change has happened behind the scenes, as it were, but it has shown itself in little ways throughout. Perhaps it’s fitting, as 2017, and to the month specifically (December, that is), marks ten years of professional work for me. Indeed, that seems to be the theme of this entire year for me, though I didn’t plan it that way: to take a step back, reflect on things, and make changes where necessary. Read more… ›
2017 is almost at an end (I know, it sort of snuck up on me too!), and there are a few things I have to finish up before the start of the New Year. Not least of these are a number of commissions for this end-2017/beginning-2018 commission season. I’m booked through the end of this year (though I might be able to fit in just one more person between Christmas and New Years if you act fast enough), but January is still open—which is the last opportunity to get a commission from me at my current prices before the price raise in February. But that’s not all… Read more… ›
October is going to be an exciting month. This weekend I’ll be making my eighth (?) consecutive appearance at the New York Comic Con (this Thursday through Sunday) in my usual spot these past three or four years: booth 1259 in Small Press. Plus, I’ll have a special guest with me at the show. But even before that, if you follow me on social media (and if not, follow me now), you’ll know that I’ve decided to participate in Inktober this year (that is, wherein artists post an inked drawing a day through the month of October). Read more… ›
Well, I’m back two days from Baltimore and back in the studio to do all the catching up I’m seriously in need of doing. The wonderful news is, save for a few inquiries, my delays and silence have gone mostly unnoticed (most of my colleagues, at least, perceive that I’ve been busy of late), but of course that doesn’t change that I’ve been seriously unfair to my fans (especially my Chadhiyana fans) for months now. As I’ve written in previous posts, I’m working to change that—it’s just going to take a bit of time to work my way out of the back log of work I have to catch up on. That said, however, Baltimore Comic-Con was a success, and though I stayed away from social media for the most part during the show, I was fairly busy round the clock. Read more… ›
Another year and another Baltimore Comic-Con. It’s one of the shows I’ve done for the longest length of time (in, I believe, about eight years of exhibiting at conventions—since the Fall of 2009), and it’s one of my favourites. Baltimore is extremely artist friendly (just look at the size of its Artist Alley), and I’ve always found the show to be well run and the staff quite friendly (though, admittedly, I’ve never been to a show where the latter wasn’t true). Read more… ›
I realise it’s seemingly been a while since there was any word from me (again), both on my websites and on social media. I can assure you this absence was not planned (unlike the time I took off in the summer to recharge and reevaluate things), nor was the length of it premeditated. Rather, I was without internet access in my studio for a full two weeks—something I thought was originally only going to be a few days.
I won’t get into specifics (I still like to keep some privacy in my life), but it’s worth noting I’m back online and just in time, as there’s a new Gentleman Cthulhu collection to release, a sketchbook to finish up and print, Chadhiyana to return to, and two conventions coming up in the next three weeks. Read more… ›