It’s been a strange year, 2017. Indeed, I daresay it’s been humbling. Much has happened and been accomplished this year, but it’s also been a year for much reflection, growth, and change. Most of that change has happened behind the scenes, as it were, but it has shown itself in little ways throughout. Perhaps it’s fitting, as 2017, and to the month specifically (December, that is), marks ten years of professional work for me. Indeed, that seems to be the theme of this entire year for me, though I didn’t plan it that way: to take a step back, reflect on things, and make changes where necessary. Read more… ›
The wait is almost over, folks. I’ve gotten word from the powers that be that I should be seeing something official from them within the week. That means the reveal of that BIG news is finally (almost) here. That said, everything is about a month behind where I was hoping it would be at this point, so rather than tease you more, I thought I’d reveal a little bit about what exactly has been going on in the past two months, behind the scenes. Read more… ›
I have to be honest. For the first time in a while, I’m a little stuck. I have no idea what to write for today’s blog post. Sure, I could finish a number of the half-written blog pieces I keep on the back burner for moments like these, but at the moment, my head just isn’t there. Sometimes, it’s best to write about whatever’s on your mind at the moment–just to get the brain juices flowing. It’s probably a symptom of being distracted by a few deadlines I have to meet in the next two weeks and the upcoming Boston Comic Con (August 8 – 10, 2014). This is a typical thing that happens before a convention. So, I’ll just embrace it rather than fight it. Here goes. Read more… ›