It’s been a strange year, 2017. Indeed, I daresay it’s been humbling. Much has happened and been accomplished this year, but it’s also been a year for much reflection, growth, and change. Most of that change has happened behind the scenes, as it were, but it has shown itself in little ways throughout. Perhaps it’s fitting, as 2017, and to the month specifically (December, that is), marks ten years of professional work for me. Indeed, that seems to be the theme of this entire year for me, though I didn’t plan it that way: to take a step back, reflect on things, and make changes where necessary. Read more… ›
The New York Comic Con is just two weeks away (I know, it seems early to me this year too). Amidst a busy schedule, I’ve been trying to get a number of things ready for the biggest show I do all year (and usually the one I end the year on–though next year I’m debating changing that a bit by adding some new shows). Already I had a few things planned, but my experiences in Boston and Baltimore this year got me thinking about a few additional things I want to add to that already extensive list of projects. Read more… ›
Today (that is, today, as of this writing, yesterday as of this posting) is the first day I’m back in the studio full-time for the summer, and I have to say that no “summer vacation” (as it were) has been more welcome than this one. It was a trying school year to say the least (I teach full-time for most of the year), mostly because of the climate in the school district this year (of which I will say little). So for the next ten weeks, I’ll be getting a much needed recharge for the coming school year and have the opportunity to concentrate more on my writing and my art. Read more… ›