Posts Tagged "Keith J. Murphey"

Baltimore and the Shadow of NYCC

Baltimore Comic-Con 2017 Thanks - J. M. DeSantis
Well, I’m back two days from Baltimore and back in the studio to do all the catching up I’m seriously in need of doing. The wonderful news is, save for a few inquiries, my delays and silence have gone mostly unnoticed (most of my colleagues, at least, perceive that I’ve been busy of late), but of course that doesn’t change that I’ve been seriously unfair to my fans (especially my Chadhiyana fans) for months now. As I’ve written in previous posts, I’m working to change that—it’s just going to take a bit of time to work my way out of the back log of work I have to catch up on. That said, however, Baltimore Comic-Con was a success, and though I stayed away from social media for the most part during the show, I was fairly busy round the clock.  Read more… ›

New York Comic Con Wrap-Up


Yet another New York Comic Con has come and gone (my eighth appearance at the show, in fact!). I got some major feedback and compliments from some of my Chadhiyana fans (who are apparently more passionate about the series than I had previously known). Also, my latest publication, Gentleman Cthulhu: Year One (a collection of the first 52 comics from completely sold out by mid-day Saturday. The only downside was that on Sunday I began experiencing considerable stomach pains (likely my diverticulitis acting up, with which I was diagnosed about this time last year), but I did my best to smile through the pain, and I’m doing okay now after a day’s rest. Read more… ›

B & D

J. M. DeSantis blog post

It’d been two years since I had been to Baltimore for the Comic-Con, and I was looking forward to going back. I have a number of fans that travel for the show, and I’ve always really enjoyed doing it. There’s a unique atmosphere at the show, as it’s large enough to be considered a large convention yet there’s a sense familiarity usually found only at smaller shows. It’s always been one of my favourites, and it holds the distinction of being both the first show I ever travelled for (beyond the New York-New Jersey area) and the show where I met my publisher, Bill Campbell (Rosarium Publishing), two years ago. That said, it’s also now the first show I ever missed a year of attending and then returned to, and for that reason, I was a bit nervous as to how the show would go for me.


Boston Comic Con 2014 – Thank You

Boston Comic Con 2014 tableThis year’s Boston Comic Con was a fantastic event. In fact, it was by far the most successful show I’ve had in five years of exhibiting at comic conventions. Of course, as cliché as it is to say, the truth is it wouldn’t have been such a success without the support of those who stopped by my table, even if it was just to look and say a few kind words about my work.

That said, I want to thank everyone who bought prints, commissions, bookmarks, and especially those who picked up the second edition of Chadhiyana. I hope you enjoy it, and continue reading the graphic novel, Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows on If you weren’t at the show, you still have the opportunity to pick up a copy at the Baltimore and New York Comic Cons in the coming months. The comic is also available on (print and digital) and the Inbeon Studios store (digital only). Read more… ›

Boston Comic Con This Weekend, Baltimore Comic-Con One Month Away & the Chadhiyana Second Edition

Chadhiyana 2nd edition coverWell that’s a rather long blog title, but what it says is true. This month I’m finally returning to conventions and public appearances (after nearly a year off), and I’m beginning with the Boston Comic Con this weekend! What’s even more exciting about the weekend is that not only am I speaking on a panel about self-publishing, but the second edition of Chadhiyana will be available for the convention (despite what I wrote in last week’s blog post)!

From Friday through Sunday this weekend, I’ll be in Artist Alley at the Boston Comic Con. As stated, amongst the usual assortment of prints, posters, books and bookmarks (not to mention being available for commissions) on my table will be the new, thirty-six page second edition of Chadhiyana, featuring the original sixteen pages of content and the Prologue of the Chadhiyana graphic novel, Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows. A lot has been done to this book to make it the definitive version (including colour corrections which now match almost exactly with my original art), and it looks beautiful. If you haven’t picked up a copy yet, make sure you do. Read more… ›