Posts Tagged "Stranger Comics"

Back from the Con(s)

J. M. DeSantis - Back from NYCC 2017
Let me start by writing, I had a blast at New York Comic Con this year. Although parts of it were disappointing, to say the least (Saturday was surprisingly dead, and my worst Saturday on record, despite the show being a success overall), hanging out behind the table with Chris Campana was a lot of fun. So first, thanks to Chris for making it an enjoyable show, and for bouncing ideas and talking shop. That’s the sort of thing you just can’t put a price tag on at a show. Read more… ›

New York Comic Con Wrap-Up


Yet another New York Comic Con has come and gone (my eighth appearance at the show, in fact!). I got some major feedback and compliments from some of my Chadhiyana fans (who are apparently more passionate about the series than I had previously known). Also, my latest publication, Gentleman Cthulhu: Year One (a collection of the first 52 comics from completely sold out by mid-day Saturday. The only downside was that on Sunday I began experiencing considerable stomach pains (likely my diverticulitis acting up, with which I was diagnosed about this time last year), but I did my best to smile through the pain, and I’m doing okay now after a day’s rest. Read more… ›

B & D

J. M. DeSantis blog post

It’d been two years since I had been to Baltimore for the Comic-Con, and I was looking forward to going back. I have a number of fans that travel for the show, and I’ve always really enjoyed doing it. There’s a unique atmosphere at the show, as it’s large enough to be considered a large convention yet there’s a sense familiarity usually found only at smaller shows. It’s always been one of my favourites, and it holds the distinction of being both the first show I ever travelled for (beyond the New York-New Jersey area) and the show where I met my publisher, Bill Campbell (Rosarium Publishing), two years ago. That said, it’s also now the first show I ever missed a year of attending and then returned to, and for that reason, I was a bit nervous as to how the show would go for me.