I just wanted to make a brief but heartfelt shout out to Eric Hutchison and the rest of the crew at Inbeon Studios not only for running another successful Inbeon Con this past weekend, but also for being a great and inspiring group to work alongside. I’ve known Eric for as long as I’ve been attending the Baltimore Comic-Con (six years, including this coming year’s show in September), and he’s always been supportive and encouraging of my work. Not only that, but his Inbeon Studios is my printer for all of my prints, and he does an amazing job with them. So, thank you Eric and everyone at Inbeon. Read more… ›
The 2017 Inbeon Con is being held this weekend at the Melville Marriot in Melville, New York (Long Island), and I’ll be returning for (technically) the third year in a row. (I write technically, because my first appearance was at their Winter show, which is no longer running). Also worth mentioning is that there are only nine days remaining to get your name to appear in both my upcoming sketchbook and the second collection of Gentleman Cthulhu comics (due out this Fall). Read more… ›
The above title actually has a loose double meaning. I have two conventions coming up in the next two weeks, including this weekend’s Boston Comic Con. Though more specifically it refers the delays in publishing Gentleman Cthulhu: Year Two (working title) and that I’ve decide to up the ante and publish two new books in the next couple of months to make up for it and other delays (including Chadhiyana). More, August is the month to have your name featured as a supporter in both of these books (specific information at the end of this post). Read more… ›
Yet another New York Comic Con has come and gone (my eighth appearance at the show, in fact!). I got some major feedback and compliments from some of my Chadhiyana fans (who are apparently more passionate about the series than I had previously known). Also, my latest publication, Gentleman Cthulhu: Year One (a collection of the first 52 comics from gentlemancthulhu.com) completely sold out by mid-day Saturday. The only downside was that on Sunday I began experiencing considerable stomach pains (likely my diverticulitis acting up, with which I was diagnosed about this time last year), but I did my best to smile through the pain, and I’m doing okay now after a day’s rest. Read more… ›
I had a wonderful time at this past Saturday’s Inbeon Con. It was held in a great location (and I hope this continues for some time) and was well organised. Never mind that since my friend, Eric Hutchison, holds the con every year, it was great to see him and his family (including their new addition) as well as some other friends of mine who attended and exhibited at the show. Plus, these cons are helping me through the grief of my office buddy’s passing. They’re getting me out of the office while still allowing me to connect with my writing and art. It’s been an unexpected but welcome form of therapy in this difficult time (and thank you everyone who offered their condolences). Though perhaps what struck me most about this show (and the week leading up to it) is how many people have (sympathetically) approached me about my blog post about the previous week’s Newark Comic Con. Read more… ›
As the title states, it’s been a rough week. On Wednesday, following a wonderful Boston Comic Con and vacationing a few days in Salem, MA, my girlfriend, her daughter and I rushed back to take care of one of our cats only to have him pass away that same night. I had planned to write an entire blog piece about him today, yet on the other hand, this past Saturday was an equally notable experience: the Newark Comic Con. Though the fans were great and I did well financially at the show, I can’t put it any other way than it was the worst show I’ve ever attended. I feel strongly that artists and vendors should not support it based on mine and others’ experience there, and I feel compelled to share that. Read more… ›
It’s been a summer of conventions (compared to what I’m used to): three in a row, in three different states. With Inbeon Con: Summer Edition this past weekend, my public appearances have ended until the New York Comic Con in October (though I am debating adding another show or two onto my schedule, before the end of the year). That said, Inbeon Con was a spectacular event, and I’m very glad my friend Eric Hutchison (owner of Inbeon Studios and host of the event) convinced me to do it.
Like a lot of shows I’ve been doing this year, Inbeon Con was much smaller than shows like New York Comic Con (well, really, what show isn’t smaller than NYCC?) or even Boston Comic Con. Though, I’m finding sometimes the smaller shows turn out to be a bigger success than the larger ones, especially one day shows as they tend to be the most intimate between the attendees and the exhibitors and there’s less competition at the show. Read more… ›
It’s Monday morning (Tuesday for you, reader), and I’m back in the studio again for a week before I’m off to yet another convention. This Saturday is the Inbeon Con: Summer Edition (inbeoncon.com), and it will be my last con until New York Comic Con in October. (Again, sorry folks, I won’t be able to make Baltimore Comic-Con because of a wedding I’m in that weekend.) But before all of that, I wanted to thank everyone who attended the Boston Comic Con and helped make this such a successful show! Read more… ›
It’s been a good run of successful conventions this year, so it was bound to happen that one would prove a disappointment. While Eternal Con wasn’t an unsuccessful show by any means, it wasn’t quite as successful as the last few shows. Again, I’ve heard a lot of great things about Eternal Con over the past two years, so perhaps this year was just a fluke. After all, the word is the layout was changed this year and artist alley was scattered throughout the Cradle of Aviation Museum, making the artists extremely difficult to find. Read more… ›
This Saturday and Sunday I will be appearing in Artist Alley at Eternal Con for the first time ever! I’ve heard a lot of great things about this show, so hopefully the long (long) commute to Long Island will be worth it for me. It’s been a great convention season so far, and I’m only halfway through. I’m hoping for yet another successful show–especially with the replenished stock (since I was nearly cleaned out in White Plains) and the brand new items I’ll have on the table this weekend. Read more… ›