Posts Tagged "Mark D. Boulding"

Three Down, One to Go

J. M. DeSantis Events

I had a wonderful time at this past Saturday’s Inbeon Con. It was held in a great location (and I hope this continues for some time) and was well organised. Never mind that since my friend, Eric Hutchison, holds the con every year, it was great to see him and his family (including their new addition) as well as some other friends of mine who attended and exhibited at the show. Plus, these cons are helping me through the grief of my office buddy’s passing. They’re getting me out of the office while still allowing me to connect with my writing and art. It’s been an unexpected but welcome form of therapy in this difficult time (and thank you everyone who offered their condolences). Though perhaps what struck me most about this show (and the week leading up to it) is how many people have (sympathetically) approached me about my blog post about the previous week’s Newark Comic Con. Read more… ›

It’s Been a Difficult Week, to Say the Least

J. M. DeSantis Newark Comic Con 2016

As the title states, it’s been a rough week. On Wednesday, following a wonderful Boston Comic Con and vacationing a few days in Salem, MA, my girlfriend, her daughter and I rushed back to take care of one of our cats only to have him pass away that same night. I had planned to write an entire blog piece about him today, yet on the other hand, this past Saturday was an equally notable experience: the Newark Comic Con. Though the fans were great and I did well financially at the show, I can’t put it any other way than it was the worst show I’ve ever attended. I feel strongly that artists and vendors should not support it based on mine and others’ experience there, and I feel compelled to share that. Read more… ›