It’s been over a year since I updated the art samples on this website. I know that seems like an awfully long time, especially considering how much I’ve grown as an artist in the past year, let alone the past two or three (some of the samples were and are older than that). Even though my focus has turned more toward my writing and my own projects, I thought it was time to give the art section a bit of an update. Read more… ›
It’s Monday morning (Tuesday for you, reader), and I’m back in the studio again for a week before I’m off to yet another convention. This Saturday is the Inbeon Con: Summer Edition (, and it will be my last con until New York Comic Con in October. (Again, sorry folks, I won’t be able to make Baltimore Comic-Con because of a wedding I’m in that weekend.) But before all of that, I wanted to thank everyone who attended the Boston Comic Con and helped make this such a successful show! Read more… ›
When I consider the publishers which define my birth as a gamer, Capcom and Konami are unequivocally the answer. With Capcom it started with a little blue robot and fireball-throwing martial artists. For Konami, it was a chance purchase in Toys “R” Us when I was around ten years old: an old castle, creatures of the night and a showdown with none other than Dracula himself! It was all of the things I loved in one game. Thus began my love affair with the Castlevania series and my commitment to Konami as a publisher. Recently it seems the entire gaming community is questioning their loyalty to Konami (and Konami’s sanity); however, as a Castlevania fan, I find myself unsurprised. Read more… ›