Posts Tagged "Guild Works Publications"

Baltimore and the Shadow of NYCC

Baltimore Comic-Con 2017 Thanks - J. M. DeSantis
Well, I’m back two days from Baltimore and back in the studio to do all the catching up I’m seriously in need of doing. The wonderful news is, save for a few inquiries, my delays and silence have gone mostly unnoticed (most of my colleagues, at least, perceive that I’ve been busy of late), but of course that doesn’t change that I’ve been seriously unfair to my fans (especially my Chadhiyana fans) for months now. As I’ve written in previous posts, I’m working to change that—it’s just going to take a bit of time to work my way out of the back log of work I have to catch up on. That said, however, Baltimore Comic-Con was a success, and though I stayed away from social media for the most part during the show, I was fairly busy round the clock.  Read more… ›

B & D

J. M. DeSantis blog post

It’d been two years since I had been to Baltimore for the Comic-Con, and I was looking forward to going back. I have a number of fans that travel for the show, and I’ve always really enjoyed doing it. There’s a unique atmosphere at the show, as it’s large enough to be considered a large convention yet there’s a sense familiarity usually found only at smaller shows. It’s always been one of my favourites, and it holds the distinction of being both the first show I ever travelled for (beyond the New York-New Jersey area) and the show where I met my publisher, Bill Campbell (Rosarium Publishing), two years ago. That said, it’s also now the first show I ever missed a year of attending and then returned to, and for that reason, I was a bit nervous as to how the show would go for me.


NYCC 2014 Thanks & The Crazy 8 Cartoon Festival

Crazy 8 Cartoon Festival 2014
There are two things I want to cover this week. First, a huge thank you to everyone who came by my booth this past weekend during the New York Comic Con, and for helping me make this a successful show. Second, I want to remind everyone that this weekend is the Crazy 8 Cartoon Festival in New York City. So, without wasting too much space writing about writing about it, let’s get down to the details. (Scroll toward the bottom of this post for information on the Crazy 8 event.) Read more… ›