NYCC 2014 Thanks & The Crazy 8 Cartoon Festival
There are two things I want to cover this week. First, a huge thank you to everyone who came by my booth this past weekend during the New York Comic Con, and for helping me make this a successful show. Second, I want to remind everyone that this weekend is the Crazy 8 Cartoon Festival in New York City. So, without wasting too much space writing about writing about it, let’s get down to the details. (Scroll toward the bottom of this post for information on the Crazy 8 event.)
This year’s New York Comic Con was my best showing at the convention yet. Many came by to purchase copies of the second edition of Chadhiyana, and many more showed interest in this strong female protagonist (not least because being of “Indian” descent, she is something of a rarity in the industry). What’s more, I actually had quite a few visits from people who had already heard of the character before the show–which means the advertisements and the web-comic are beginning to work as they should.
As always, I had a great time at the show, though there were a few unexpected surprises. For one, the crowds on Thursday and Sunday were the biggest (at least in the Small Press area). Usually Saturday is the biggest day at the show, but it didn’t turn out that way this year. Also, I had a number of items which sold well besides Chadhiyana, including a number of prints (three of which sold out), my sketchbooks and Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated DVDs.
Though, more than sales, this show was a fantastic opportunity to meet with and catch up with some friends and professionals I don’t often get the chance to see. I’m sure I’ll forget a few names (apologies in advance), but amongst those who stopped by (or had space in the neighborhood) were: Mr. Mark Mazz (of Atlas Unleashed), Taylor Esposito, Miguelangel Ruiz, Tom Gambino (and his amazing new business cards), David Rondinelli, Robert J. Sodaro, Eric Hutchison (of Inbeon Studios), Kristin Coursen, Ray Felix (of Bronx Heroes), Ralph Gilmore (of Orange Moonwerks), and none other than the award-winning, T.V.’s Todd Hunt. Thank you all for stopping by and showing your support; it was good seeing all of you.
Also, a special thanks to the Comicbook Artists Guild who organised a whole row of members, such as myself, who were exhibiting in small press this year. My neighbors included Guild Works Publications and Tres Calaveras Studios (formerly NovaStar Studios). Though, most of all, I have to thank my parents, my apprentice and promising artist-in-training, George Grabusnik, and my lovely girlfriend Nadia and her daughter, who took turns helping me with the show this year. Without all of you, I might not have made it through. NYCC is a lot of fun, but it always takes so much out of me.
That all said, typically New York Comic Con is the last event I attend every year; however, this year I’m trying a few new shows. First up is the aforementioned Crazy 8 Cartoon Festival. As mentioned in a previous post, the event will take place this Saturday in New York City from 10:00 am until midnight. It will be located on West 8th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues. I will be located at the Marlton Hotel from 3:00 pm until 6:00 pm, selling my wares (well, what’s left of them after NYCC).
So, if you’re in the City this weekend, looking for something to do this weekend, or just disappointed you missed me at the New York Comic Con this past weekend, come down to the Marlton Hotel on West 8th Street between 3:00 and 6:00. I’ll be there. Hope to see you there too.