I’m certain there are many people who believe Chadhiyana is just another half-finished comic project, abandoned indefinitely by its creator (as is too common an occurrence with indie-comic). Yet despite her relative public absence (except for some social media posts), the Chadhiyana series is not abandoned and is far from complete. From Chadhiyana’s near-instantaneous conception, I felt compelled to tell her story, and there’s never been a project or character more important to me (as I’ve often said). Though I realise that may come off as strange considering the hiatus I’ve seemingly taken from Chadhiyana, so I’m here to set a few things straight and offer some hope and information to the Chadhiyana fanbase. Read more… ›
It’s been a long time since the last issue of Chadhiyana. Nine months by my count. That’s a terribly long time for a comic I was hoping to put out bi-monthly (that is, once every two months, not twice a month as the ambiguous term can be read). But Chadhiyana #5 is finally available to purchase on comiXology (comixology.com/Chadhiyana-5/digital-comic/464862) and Amazon (amazon.com/Chadhiyana-Company-Shadows-J-M-DeSantis-ebook/dp/B01N9OLX7D/), and it is the opinion of both myself and my publisher that this is the best issue in the series so far. Read more… ›
It’s October 25th. Halloween is a little less than a week away, my birthday is a little more than a week away and the first Dark Souls III DLC, Ashes of Ariandel, is available today for all the travelers of Lothric to discover and explore (I’m a huge fan of the SoulsBorne games, if you didn’t know). That said, one can expect I’ll be immersed in otherwise idle occupations for the next week or so, but that’s not to say I won’t be working on at least a few things, here and there. Read more… ›
It’s hard to believe that two months have passed since I stated I wanted to take some time in this blog to focus on writing about the Souls series from developer From Software. Of course, for those keeping up with my work and this site, the publisher for my comic Chadhiyana, Rosarium Publishing, ran a successful IndieGoGo campaign. That, coupled with some time for recovery (promoting it was the most aggressive I’ve ever been about promoting anything), threw off my schedule a bit. But now that things are stabalising, and since I’ve completed my first play through Dark Souls III (with my own creative work, I can’t put as much time as I’d like into gaming), I thought I’d begin this week by writing about my reactions thereof. Read more… ›
I’m back! Well, that is to say, I never really left, but as stated in one of my previous blog pieces, I decided to take a little bit of an internet break following the Rosarium Publishing IndieGoGo campaign. It was taking a lot of my attention and energy, and I just needed a bit of time to recharge. Fortunately, the campaign was a success and there was a lot of support for Chadhiyana as well. I’m very much looking forward to the release of the first trade (in January). In the meanwhile, today’s blog is about a few things that might have been or were missed in the shadow of the campaign. Read more… ›
We did it! Yesterday evening, Rosarium Publishing (the publisher for my comic, Chadhiyana) reached the goal for their IndieGoGo campaign, the funds of which are, in part, going toward print runs for a number of upcoming books, including the first Chadhiyana trade! Read more… ›
The end of the Rosarium Publishing IndieGoGo campaign approaches (http://bit.ly/rosariumpub), and with it your chance to pre-order Chadhiyana volume 1 (issues 1 – 6) which comes with an exclusive mini-comic containing a new Chadhiyana story (see last week’s post for more information on that comic). Chadhiyana has consistently been one of the top-claimed perks since the beginning of the campaign. More, just hours after I had written this post yesterday, Rick Riordan, author of the Percy Jackson series, announced that he would match up to $10,000 in donations through the end of the campaign during the day on Wednesday, May 4th (rickriordan.blogspot.com/2016/05/support-great-publisher-who-values.html).
So, if you haven’t contributed yet, please do so soon. Simply click on the Chadhiyana perk, and it will bring you to a page to complete your pre-order. You’ll not only get the Chadhiyana trade and the comic, but you’ll be supporting diversity in publishing, which is the main mission of Rosarium, and help them reach the match-goal Mr. Riordan generously offered. Read more… ›
With just nine days remaining in the Rosarium Publishing IndieGoGo campaign (http://bit.ly/rosariumpub), I wanted to take the time today to write something about the Chadhiyana perk that’s being offered. As the campaign lists, with your $20 (Chadhiyana) contribution you will receive the first Chadhiyana collection (issues 1 – 6; already listed on Amazon for pre-order at $19.95: amazon.com/Chadhiyana-Company-Shadows-JM-DeSantis/dp/0996769269/) and a 4-page mini-comic. I’ve finally worked out the story for that mini-comic (which, essentially, you get for free with your pre-order), and convinced my publisher to give me more pages to tell it in. Read more… ›
Just a brief reminder that not only is the Rosarium Publishing IndieGoGo campaign still going strong (indiegogo.com/projects/rosarium-publishing-the-next-level), but also that this weekend I’ll be exhibiting at the East Coast ComiCon for its second year in Secaucus, New Jersey (April 16th & 17th). So begins (officially) my convention season (though I did attend the Black Comic Book Festival in January with Rosarium Publishing) and so continues Rosarium Publishing’s campaign to raise money for printing and promotional costs for books such as the forthcoming first Chadhiyana trade (collecting issues 1 – 6 of the series). Read more… ›
Today is a very special day for me and Chadhiyana (my medieval Indian assassin comic). Not only has Chadhiyana #4 been given a release date of April 27th, but Rosarium Publishing (Chadhiyana’s publisher) has launched a massive crowdfunding campaign in order to reach the next level in its growth as a publisher: indiegogo.com/projects/rosarium-publishing-the-next-level (appropriately named Rosarium Publishing: The Next Level). Read more… ›