It was five years ago this month (July 2011) that I began preparing for my second New York Comic Con appearance. I had decided beforehand to dedicate the entire summer to getting new work ready. This included new prints, my first (and, to date, only) sketchbook (for sale, that is) and a collapsible banner to draw people to my table. Amongst the pieces I created that summer were an unused cover idea I had wanted to submit to Planet Lovecraft Magazine (before it closed its doors) of Cthulhu sitting in an armchair in Victorian attire, reading a copy of the magazine and an acrylic painting of a nameless Indian female warrior. Read more… ›
I’m back! Well, that is to say, I never really left, but as stated in one of my previous blog pieces, I decided to take a little bit of an internet break following the Rosarium Publishing IndieGoGo campaign. It was taking a lot of my attention and energy, and I just needed a bit of time to recharge. Fortunately, the campaign was a success and there was a lot of support for Chadhiyana as well. I’m very much looking forward to the release of the first trade (in January). In the meanwhile, today’s blog is about a few things that might have been or were missed in the shadow of the campaign. Read more… ›
Sorry for the change in schedule this week, folks. I had to rearrange a few things to accommodate two Gentleman Cthulhu comics this week ( But it also gave me an opportunity to upload a few new designs and products to both my Zazzle and Society6 stores. Again, because of time-constraints, and the newness of this business venture, I’m only using artwork and designs which I have previously created, but this week I’m offering a few new products and two designs which have never been available before, even as prints on my convention tables. Read more… ›
Last week I teased that there were two new things coming from me starting this month, and as promised so I have delivered. After years of debating with myself about whether or not to take the plunge, I have finally opened an online store for print-on-demand merchandise. In fact, I opened two: one on Society6 and one on Zazzle. Read more… ›
If you follow me on social media, you would have seen that I posted a terrifying and disappointing picture on Friday (and with how often I’m using social media for updates, you should be following me there, if you don’t already). Yes, it’s true. I took a scissors to those luscious curls and shaved my face bare. But I’m sure the question is, why did I get rid of my much beloved, constantly complimented handlebar moustache? Read more… ›