Posts Tagged "vampyre"

The Final Days of Chadhiyana and Rosarium

Chadhiyana Rosarium Publishing: The Next Level

The end of the Rosarium Publishing IndieGoGo campaign approaches (, and with it your chance to pre-order Chadhiyana volume 1 (issues 1 – 6) which comes with an exclusive mini-comic containing a new Chadhiyana story (see last week’s post for more information on that comic). Chadhiyana has consistently been one of the top-claimed perks since the beginning of the campaign. More, just hours after I had written this post yesterday, Rick Riordan, author of the Percy Jackson series, announced that he would match up to $10,000 in donations through the end of the campaign during the day on Wednesday, May 4th (

So, if you haven’t contributed yet, please do so soon. Simply click on the Chadhiyana perk, and it will bring you to a page to complete your pre-order. You’ll not only get the Chadhiyana trade and the comic, but you’ll be supporting diversity in publishing, which is the main mission of Rosarium, and help them reach the match-goal Mr. Riordan generously offered. Read more… ›