The Final Days of Chadhiyana and Rosarium
The end of the Rosarium Publishing IndieGoGo campaign approaches (, and with it your chance to pre-order Chadhiyana volume 1 (issues 1 – 6) which comes with an exclusive mini-comic containing a new Chadhiyana story (see last week’s post for more information on that comic). Chadhiyana has consistently been one of the top-claimed perks since the beginning of the campaign. More, just hours after I had written this post yesterday, Rick Riordan, author of the Percy Jackson series, announced that he would match up to $10,000 in donations through the end of the campaign during the day on Wednesday, May 4th (
So, if you haven’t contributed yet, please do so soon. Simply click on the Chadhiyana perk, and it will bring you to a page to complete your pre-order. You’ll not only get the Chadhiyana trade and the comic, but you’ll be supporting diversity in publishing, which is the main mission of Rosarium, and help them reach the match-goal Mr. Riordan generously offered.
That said, as I was posting on social media last week, the campaign did take a little attention away from the fact that Chadhiyana #4 released on Wednesday (April 27th) on both Amazon and comiXology. So, if even if you’ve pre-ordered volume 1 and want to continue reading while you wait for your printed collection, visit the following links for your digital copy of issue 4:
Otherwise, for those who have been missing the free Chadhiyana comics of late, the female assassin has been making an on-going appearance in my web-comic, Gentleman Cthulhu ( A humourous battle of wills is happening between the title character and Chadhiyana. Stay tuned tomorrow for yet another installment. Also, yesterday, a new, one-page comic posted on titled Chadhiyana: Vampyre Hunter (
This one was something of a practice page I did about a month ago, trying out some new things to see if I could somehow speed up the comic making process. I succeeded and loved the result so much that I decided to see if my publisher was fine with me posting it. Lucky for you, he was.
For my Chadhiyana fans who may ask whether the comic is cannon or not, I’d say it is loosely so. Doing the page did open up some things for me, including new ideas for Chadhiyana’s storyline, in general. Indeed, were it not for doing this page, I might not have come up with the idea for the exclusive mini-comic that comes with the Chadhiyana perk through the Rosarium IndieGoGo campaign. Though, I suppose, only time will tell where it all goes.
That all said, I’ll likely be taking an internet break next week (though we’ll see if that really happens, because I never seem to be able to). Believe it or not, I don’t like to spend much time on the computer (hence why I work traditionally), and I’ve spent a lot of time and energy on this campaign. So, please enjoy the free comics and contribute to the campaign. Rosarium is a wonderful publisher, and there are many who would like to see it grow and spread their message of diversity (including Rick Riordan, apparently!). Plus, you’d be helping boost Chadhiyana’s (and my own) growth as well: