Just one week after Chadhiyana #5’s publication (Rosarium Publishing through comiXology and Amazon), I’m officially announcing the IndyPlanet release of Gentleman Cthulhu: Year One–a collection of the first year of comics from gentlemancthulhu.com. This is the very same book that sold out before the end of the weekend at this past New York Comic Con. As such, the book will likely be on my table for a long time, but if you can’t make it to a convention I’m exhibiting at or just miss me at one, you now have the option to buy the collection online at indyplanet.us/product/143372/!
As with Chadhiyana #0 (which I self-published in 2012), Gentleman Cthulhu: Year One is available in both digital and print formats on IndyPlanet. Though originally my thought was to collect only the first year until a significant collection could be made (that is, enough comics to fill a square-bound trade), I’m planning now to release a collection every year. So, if you really love the web-comic, you’ll have these comics every year to look forward to and collect. Of course, for those who wish to continue to read them online, all of the comics will remain free on the website for your enjoyment. Read more… ›
It’s been a long time since the last issue of Chadhiyana. Nine months by my count. That’s a terribly long time for a comic I was hoping to put out bi-monthly (that is, once every two months, not twice a month as the ambiguous term can be read). But Chadhiyana #5 is finally available to purchase on comiXology (comixology.com/Chadhiyana-5/digital-comic/464862) and Amazon (amazon.com/Chadhiyana-Company-Shadows-J-M-DeSantis-ebook/dp/B01N9OLX7D/), and it is the opinion of both myself and my publisher that this is the best issue in the series so far. Read more… ›
If you follow me on social media or subscribe to my mailing list, you are already in the know: Chadhiyana #3 is now available through comiXology (from Rosarium Publishing). With the release date originally projected for today through Tuesday, this was a bit of a surprise. In fact, the book was released two days ago on the site. ComiXology has had a habit of releasing these issues a few days early, and as I’m quickly learning and someone privately quipped to me yesterday, release dates don’t seem to mean much. That’s quite all right with me; this is not a complaint by any means! After all, I’d rather a book come out early than late. Read more… ›
Today is the last day on which comiXology.com is offering Chadhiyana #1 for free (use the promo code chadpod at checkout: comixology.com/Chadhiyana-1/digital-comic/239164). It’s also the official release date for Chadhiyana #2, even though comiXology listed the comic a full week early as part of the promotion. Both issues have been getting some good reviews, so if you haven’t given my medieval Indian fantasy series a try yet, now is your (last) chance to try issue 1 for free. Read more… ›