Posts Tagged "writing"

Panel Podcasts from No Such Con

As promised, I’m sharing the podcasts of the artists and writers panels I was on during No Such Con this past weekend. I had a lot of fun at the show (which you can read about in Tuesday’s blog piece:, and both panels were great to participate in. Thanks again to our moderator, author Thomm Quackenbush, for having me on them. Read more… ›

The Problem of Chapter Breaks in a Graphic Novel Script

J. M. DeSantis Blog Post

NOTE: I wrote the following late last year, and have since found a way of solving the problem for myself (though I’m certain I’ll be re-thinking this solution again someday). That said, I decided to post the following anyway, for what it’s worth.

I tend to be a very heady person, in case some of you who read this blog regularly or semi-regularly didn’t already know. Often I’ll overthink a thing to the point it becomes dizzyingly abstract. Perhaps the following will be deemed such an example, though I would argue my overthinking here has much to do with the lack of any real, concrete rules to follow. Specifically, I’m talking about the lack of a definitive comic script format and how that effects a particular aspect of script writing I’ve not once seen discussed: how to indicate chapter breaks in a graphic novel script? Read more… ›

A Bit of Ghoulish Poetry

In light of my blog post two weeks ago about my afternoon stroll through a graveyard with my girlfriend (which you can read here), I thought I’d share a humourous poem about death I’d been working on, on-and-off, for a couple of months. It was a bit experimental. I held myself to the strict rules that each line had to be seven syllables and always a question (given, some of the questions fit the term loosely). And then, of course, I like to rhyme (even if it’s not the fashionable way to write poetry in the Modern Age). I don’t write poetry very often, and I think I’m a decent poet at best, but I do love a good poem, when it’s well written. I hope you enjoy this one. I’ll be sure to upload it to the writing section posthaste. Read more… ›

Site Updates and a Small Peek Behind-the-Scenes

Writing Books

Many of you who are checking back every week for new blog posts may have been a little disappointed the last few weeks to see that there’s been little but brief information about Chadhiyana’s price increase and some upcoming convention information. Or maybe I’m just feeling a little self-conscious after writing blog entries of 500-and-more words since the beginning of the year. Either way, as I explained in former posts, that may be the nature of some or even many posts here. Moreover, the new Chadhiyana project I’m working on is taking up most of my writing time of late. That said, I took some time over the weekend to make some minor changes to Read more… ›