So! Since there were some decent responses to my poem, “When You Die?” (see my A Bit of Ghoulish Poetry entry from two weeks ago–though the responses were mostly on deviantART and my social media sites), I got up the confidence to enter that and two other lately created poems into a poetry contest held by WILDSound. As I’ve said in the past, and despite having two poems-as-comics published (including “Diwali” in Steampunk Originals volume 1), I always thought of myself as a decent poet, at best; however, the responses were encouraging, and I’m beginning to feel a little differently now. Read more… ›
In light of my blog post two weeks ago about my afternoon stroll through a graveyard with my girlfriend (which you can read here), I thought I’d share a humourous poem about death I’d been working on, on-and-off, for a couple of months. It was a bit experimental. I held myself to the strict rules that each line had to be seven syllables and always a question (given, some of the questions fit the term loosely). And then, of course, I like to rhyme (even if it’s not the fashionable way to write poetry in the Modern Age). I don’t write poetry very often, and I think I’m a decent poet at best, but I do love a good poem, when it’s well written. I hope you enjoy this one. I’ll be sure to upload it to the writing section posthaste. Read more… ›