It’s difficult to know where to start, not for a lack of having something to write this week, but rather there’s been a lot happening worth writing about. So much happened within the last week that I wound up working through the weekend, forcing me to take the day off today (other than writing this blog piece, of course). At last the work is done (in a manner of speaking–I’ve a lot more to do this summer), and I can take a breather. That said, for you the reader (especially my Chadhiyana fans) there’s some exciting new things happening. Read more… ›
So! Since there were some decent responses to my poem, “When You Die?” (see my A Bit of Ghoulish Poetry entry from two weeks ago–though the responses were mostly on deviantART and my social media sites), I got up the confidence to enter that and two other lately created poems into a poetry contest held by WILDSound. As I’ve said in the past, and despite having two poems-as-comics published (including “Diwali” in Steampunk Originals volume 1), I always thought of myself as a decent poet, at best; however, the responses were encouraging, and I’m beginning to feel a little differently now. Read more… ›
I’m not a particularly superstitious man. I’ve never been sensitive to black cats, broken mirrors or Friday the 13th, yet I was never able to shake the sense that the day on which I graduated from Pratt Institute had somehow cursed my career as a writer and artist. May 13, 2005 was a sunny day, but it was a Friday. Since then I heard many say how much they enjoy my writing or my art, but it never seemed the vast majority were catching on (especially editors). Given there have been successes along the way, but nothing that I would consider substantial. That said, if ever the curse existed (and if one believes in numerology), the year 2013 has at last broken it. Read more… ›