I’m not a particularly superstitious man. I’ve never been sensitive to black cats, broken mirrors or Friday the 13th, yet I was never able to shake the sense that the day on which I graduated from Pratt Institute had somehow cursed my career as a writer and artist. May 13, 2005 was a sunny day, but it was a Friday. Since then I heard many say how much they enjoy my writing or my art, but it never seemed the vast majority were catching on (especially editors). Given there have been successes along the way, but nothing that I would consider substantial. That said, if ever the curse existed (and if one believes in numerology), the year 2013 has at last broken it. Read more… ›
I was going to wait another week or two before I updated another art gallery. Instead, I intended to post information about some upcoming art shows I’m participating in and a small Boston Comic Con update (since it’s been rescheduled). However, I realised if I did that, I wouldn’t have an opportunity to update another of my art galleries until early-to-mid June! I couldn’t wait that long (and I’m sure you couldn’t either). So, not only have I updated two art galleries this week, but I also have some information about (and a link to) a new horror web-publication I’ve illustrated. Read more… ›