I’m not a particularly superstitious man. I’ve never been sensitive to black cats, broken mirrors or Friday the 13th, yet I was never able to shake the sense that the day on which I graduated from Pratt Institute had somehow cursed my career as a writer and artist. May 13, 2005 was a sunny day, but it was a Friday. Since then I heard many say how much they enjoy my writing or my art, but it never seemed the vast majority were catching on (especially editors). Given there have been successes along the way, but nothing that I would consider substantial. That said, if ever the curse existed (and if one believes in numerology), the year 2013 has at last broken it. Read more… ›
As I wrote last week, it’s not often I have a show or public appearance between the months of December and March (though, perhaps November and March would be nearer the mark). There doesn’t seem to be much offered in the way of events during the cold months, and so I often work through the Winter in quiet hibernation. However, a few weeks ago I was contacted by artist Teresa DeFabrizio from the Art Garage in Montclair, New Jersey about exhibiting in their latest gallery show, Fan-Tastic. Having previously enjoyed the experience of participating in their Pet-icular Poses show in June of this year, I was quick to say yes, despite my very busy schedule of late. The show runs all month long, and this past Friday was the opening reception for the show. Read more… ›
Typically, I don’t see much activity between the months of December and March (that is, as far as conventions, shows and events are concerned). Thus it was I decided to take the time to update some of my galleries and the writing section of the site during the months of November and December. However, as it would happen, an event has presented itself: my work is being featured in the Fan-Tastic gallery show at The Art Garage in Montclair, New Jersey. Read more… ›