Posts Tagged "Google"

A Persistent Conundrum & Other Updates

J. M. DeSantis Blog

After a long time of hearing about the benefits of using Instagram to connect with fans and promote one’s work, I finally caved and signed up for an account ( Last week I made an announcement on my various social media pages, and just yesterday I began posting images and linked the account to Facebook and Twitter (unfortunately, Google+ doesn’t seem to have this option). However, despite the excitement of adding yet another way of connect with people, the growing social media trend creates a bit of a conundrum for me. Read more… ›

The Wait is Nearly Over

Chadhiyana #3 news

Strange things happen and people die as the witch has appeared to escape. Now, the Tal-Ifatiir order is terrified, and they are starting to blame Chadhiyana for all their supernatural misfortunes. ~ From Rosarium Publishing

Sorry. I know I already posted the above blurb from my publisher when I originally wrote my blog piece on the Chadhiyana #3 release date, but I just really love that quote. I know I’m a little biased, but if this book weren’t my own, that synopsis would certainly get me to buy this issue. That said, for those of you who do not have a NetGalley account, the wait is nearly over to read what the publisher teases above. Chadhiyana #3 will release within the week.  Read more… ›

Changes Made

If you missed my post last Thursday on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, I mentioned that there was a certain document of interest which was placed in my e-mail last week. That particular document is the harbinger of the big news I’ve had coming for a long time. The end is nigh. And with that, some changes have been made in preparation for its coming. Read more… ›

Getting Back

J. M. DeSantis Blog Post

Unless you’re following me on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ (and if you’re not, just click the icons on the right side bar to do so), you probably didn’t know that late last week I came down with something which left me feverish and out of commission for a few days. I’m feeling the residual effects of that still (mostly a stuffy nose and an aching back from all the lying around, not to mention a severe lack of energy), but I’m much better now and slowly getting back to work. There’s a lot to do and catch up on, after all. That said, I don’t have much for this week’s blog but another quick update and more teasers about some of that upcoming news. Read more… ›

More Than Expected

Chadhiyana Logo Created by Corey Breen

It’s difficult to know where to start, not for a lack of having something to write this week, but rather there’s been a lot happening worth writing about. So much happened within the last week that I wound up working through the weekend, forcing me to take the day off today (other than writing this blog piece, of course). At last the work is done (in a manner of speaking–I’ve a lot more to do this summer), and I can take a breather. That said, for you the reader (especially my Chadhiyana fans) there’s some exciting new things happening. Read more… ›