Comics Panel this Weekend at the AAPCL CC

J. M. DeSantis at the AAPCL Comic Con 2017

Just a brief reminder that I’m speaking on a panel with other members of Rosarium Publishing at the AAPCL (Anne Arundel Public County Library) Comic Con this Saturday. The panel is called Diversity in Children’s Comics and will also feature Micheline Hess (Malice in Ovenland) and Bizhan Khodabanden (The Little Black Fish), and it will be moderated by none other than Rosarium Publishing’s fearless leader (and writer of the recent viral–though long-ago-written–letter to DC Comics about diversity), Bill Campbell.

The convention is being held at the Odenton Regional Library in Odenton, MD from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm on Saturday, May 20th. The Diversity in Childen’s Comics panel is scheduled for 1:00 in the Meeting Room.

Of course, as it is a Rosarium Publishing comics panel, you can almost be guaranteed I’ll be talking about Chadhiyana–well, maybe not almost, I’d say it’s a certainty. What I’m not certain about, however, is if the panel will be recorded or taped. If it is, I’ll be sure to share it on my blog or at least link to it. And if it isn’t, should there be anything new announced or talked about (such as the nature of the yet-secret work I’ve been doing on the book), I’ll share that in a blog piece as well.

That said, other than the panel, I’m sure I’ll be hanging about the convention for at least some time. So if you’re planning to come to the con, or if you’re going to be in the area anyway and this strikes your fancy, make sure you head down to the Meeting Room at 1:00 pm to hear the four of us chat about our Rosarium Publishing comics.


For more information on the con, visit:

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