Bridging the Gap

J. M. DeSantis Blog

My apologies for the lack of blog post last Tuesday, but as Chadhiyana #3 released on the previous Friday (on comiXology, anyway), I wanted that additional blog post to feature prominently for a while. More, I’ve had a ton of work to do on Chadhiyana #4 (which I’m still finishing up). But this week’s blog post isn’t about Chadhiyana (well, not all of it, anyway). Rather I wanted to bridge the gap a little on what is happening and coming in the following months. Though, mostly, I’m just teasing information again.

Chadhiyana #3 cover by J. M. DeSantisThat said, to quickly note, you can still pick up a digital copy of Chadhiyana #3 on Amazon ( and comiXology ( There’s also a positive and interesting review from blerdsonline (though spoilers abound, so read at your own risk: You can also find links to back issues on the Comics page (

Other than Chadhiyana #3, however, and the forthcoming issue 4, my publisher, Rosarium Publishing, is planning two new initiatives in the coming months. I’ll be sure to share them with you, as they will affect or feature Chadhiyana in some way. Of course, everything’s very hush-hush right now, so I can’t say more than that (if I can even say that much). But do keep your eyes open, as some new information and announcements will be made soon.

What’s interesting is that these initiatives are very similar to the ones I’ve been thinking of taking myself (or some form of them). About this time last month I briefly hinted at “two new features” which would be coming in March ( One of those at least will be happening soon–likely as early as next week. The other, I’m still debating, but I’ll at least mention what it is next month.

That all said, I’m not really certain what you readers think about these teasing, abstract blog posts, and perhaps they aren’t really serving any purpose at all than allowing me to get some thoughts out on paper (or on screen, rather). Honestly, I’d much rather take the time to write about other subjects of interest (books I read, games I play, things I’m passionate about, etc), but it seems so much of my time is spent thinking about Chadhiyana, Gentleman Cthulhu and promoting them that I begin writing about the process so much. And, again, I wonder about the value of that to you.

I’ve written about this before, but perhaps I’ll make a concerted effort in the future to write less about the process and more about things like my Handlebar Moustache Guide or this month’s post about writing chapter breaks in graphic novel scripts (a third initiative of sorts–one can only hope).

Though, as I said, there are some new things coming from me and Rosarium Publishing between now and the summer months, plus a number of conventions I’ll be appearing at (which I always blog about). So bear with me, if you find this constant promoting rather tiresome. Though, hopefully not a few of you find it all exciting.

Until next week. Cheers!

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