Archive for "May 2014"

More Poetry

So! Since there were some decent responses to my poem, “When You Die?” (see my A Bit of Ghoulish Poetry entry from two weeks ago–though the responses were mostly on deviantART and my social media sites), I got up the confidence to enter that and two other lately created poems into a poetry contest held by WILDSound. As I’ve said in the past, and despite having two poems-as-comics published (including “Diwali” in Steampunk Originals volume 1), I always thought of myself as a decent poet, at best; however, the responses were encouraging, and I’m beginning to feel a little differently now. Read more… ›

An Exciting Couple of Days

It’s difficult to decide what to write about first. Not because there’s any apprehension whatsoever concerning what I’m about to write. Rather, of the three events (if you will) which occurred since Monday, it’s difficult to decide which is the most important. To put one before the others would immediately place it above the rest in the reader’s mind–something I wish to avoid entirely. So, in an effort to not so much as allude to being more proud of one over the others, I’ll merely write about them in the order in which it came to my attention. Read more… ›

A Bit of Ghoulish Poetry

In light of my blog post two weeks ago about my afternoon stroll through a graveyard with my girlfriend (which you can read here), I thought I’d share a humourous poem about death I’d been working on, on-and-off, for a couple of months. It was a bit experimental. I held myself to the strict rules that each line had to be seven syllables and always a question (given, some of the questions fit the term loosely). And then, of course, I like to rhyme (even if it’s not the fashionable way to write poetry in the Modern Age). I don’t write poetry very often, and I think I’m a decent poet at best, but I do love a good poem, when it’s well written. I hope you enjoy this one. I’ll be sure to upload it to the writing section posthaste. Read more… ›

Getting to Draw Chadhiyana Again

It feels like forever since I’ve drawn Chadhiyana. I know the name of the graphic novel I’m working on is named Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows, and it is a Chadhiyana graphic novel; however, for a number of reasons, I decided not to have the title character appear definitively until a little into Chapter I (you can read some of those reasons in yesterday’s blog post on So it’s been months since I’ve drawn Chadhiyana at all. I’ll admit, it was nice to draw some other characters for a while, but in truth I’ve missed drawing Chadhiyana, and I’m excited to be rendering those familiar features again.  Read more… ›