Happy New Year, to one and all!
Let’s hope this one’s a great one. And, although I don’t want to overpromise, as usual I have quite a bit planned for this year, not least because it marks exactly 10 years of professionally published work for me.
Stay tuned for more, and start working toward those New Years’ resolutions. I know I will be.
Wishing You All the Best in 2018,
J. M. DeSantis
I just wanted to take a moment to wish any and all Happy Holidays this year. Whether you celebrate Christmas (as I do), Hanukkah (already in progress), Kwanzaa (forthcoming), another holiday I’m yet unaware of or none at all, I hope this time of the year finds you well, and that the days and weeks approaching the New Year are a happy one for you and yours.
With All Best Wishes,
J. M. DeSantis
Happy New Year!
Despite my comments last week, and how horribly the previous year went for all of us (generally speaking), I’m hoping 2017 brings a fresh start, or at the very least a fresh perspective and mindset. I know the whole changing year thing is more symbolic than literal (other than the date being written differently), but for many of us it is a marker. An ending and a beginning. And so I hope for a great year for us all. On a personal level, I hope and am planning for a lot, because 2017 and 2018 as well, are years of special significance for me. Read more… ›
Though it’s a few days early, I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year! Let’s hope 2016 is a wonderful and successful year for us all. If you wish, you can go back a couple of posts and read my reflections on 2015. Otherwise, I’ll see you all in the new year with the next issue of Chadhiyana, more Gentleman Cthulhu and much, much more!
All the Best,
J. M. DeSantis
The end of the year is fast approaching, and typically the last three weeks are planned out for an end-of-year reflection post, a Happy Holidays post, and a Happy New Years post (in that order). So that leaves this week as the last week of the year for any topic I choose, and I haven’t put out any information on the state or release of Chadhiyana #3. I don’t have any official news yet, but I will give you all a bit of something, rather than remaining silent until the first full week in January. Read more… ›
Sure, the official day to wish everyone a Happy New Year is on New Year’s Day (January 1st–for those who follow the Roman calendar), but alas the day for new blog posts on jmdesantis.com has been Wednesdays for so long, I didn’t want anyone to call foul on me for not posting today. So, Happy New Year to all! As I said last year, let’s make it a great one, and hit the ground running with those New Year’s resolutions. My resolutions this year are to take better care of myself, be even more productive creatively, and to make more quality time for the people in my life. It’ll be a tall, but necessary, order, but I’m up to the task. What’s your New Year’s resolution? (Share in the comments section below.)
Happy New Year J. M. DeSantis fans! Stay tuned for new stories, art and projects from the writer and artist this year. Also, don’t forget to check out J. M.’s graphic novel, Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows on chadhiyana.com as it moves into Chapter I. Let’s all make 2014 an amazing year!