Bronx Heroes – Thank You

Although my lack of social media posts on Saturday may have some thinking otherwise, this weekend’s Bronx Heroes: Women in Comics Convention was a lot of fun and a great success. Unfortunately, the area of the Bronx Library Center where the convention was held did not have good reception, so I couldn’t post about the many new Chadhiyana fans and others who dropped by my table to purchase prints, books and even my last copies of Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated! It seems to be a growing trend this past year or so, but of my three Bronx Heroes Conventions, this was by far the best yet.

Sometimes I honestly prefer the smaller shows to the larger ones. Though the crowds aren’t quite as big (though for most of the day, the convention was packed) and there isn’t the same constant rotation hustle and sales-pitch to tired, hurrying convention goers. People have the opportunity to browse a bit more and the conversations can be a little more intimate. In fact, I felt very relaxed and happy on Saturday, and a lot of that had to do with the atmosphere.

More than that, conventions are always a chance to catch up with old friends in the industry. Three of the show’s guests I had just seen two weeks ago at the East Coast ComiCon. Ed Traquino (creator of Cee & Bee) was my neighbor (and he seemed to have an amazing show as well). Also exhibiting at the show was one of my first collaborators (and the only person to ink my work), Alex Rivera. Then, of course, there was Ray Felix, host and founder of Bronx Heroes. Other than these three, it was great to see fellow writer Bob Sodaro and chat about life and a long-standing collaboration we’ve been planning, fellow artist Michele Witchipoo, and I finally had the opportunity of meeting one of my fellow Rosarium Publishing authors: Micheline Hess, creator of Malice in Ovenland! It was great seeing (and in Micheline’s case meeting) all of them.

In the end, I was glad Ray (Felix) persisted so much in me doing this year’s show, and hopefully he’ll continue to do them. As a result of doing this show, I may very well be attending the White Plains Comic Con in just two weeks (May 16) at the White Plains Library in White Plains, New York. Keep checking back, especially on the Events and Shows page. As always, that page is kept up-to-date with upcoming appearances for the year–and this year is going to be a busy one. Hope to see more of you at the next show.


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