Posts Tagged "iTunes"

J. M. DeSantis: Genius $11 Million Write-ist

J. M. DeSantis Blog: Genius $11 million Write-ist

I’m famous! I’m a genius! And I’m rich!

You read that right! I’m a rich and famous genius. These aren’t my words. No, I’m just quoting from two different sources sources. How reliable they are, well, I’ll let you be the judge of that.  Read more… ›

ComiXology, the comiXologist and Conventions

Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows News

Chadhiyana #1 was officially been out for a week (through Rosarium Publishing), but there’s still more to come. Late last week, the first issue of Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows was added to and even earned a mention on the comiXologist post-San Diego Comic-Con podcast! More, this weekend begins a three-week-straight convention tour for Chadhiyana and myself. Read more… ›