J. M. DeSantis's Blog & News

The Kirklyn Horror: My Second Novel

Though I haven’t updated my blog here in quite a while, I’ve been busy creating new artworks, vending at (so far) twenty-eight shows this year (more than double any previous year, and I still have eight more to go), and preparing my second novel, The Kirklyn Horror for publication!

This Friday the 13th, The Kirklyn Horror releases in print and digital, and if you’re reading this before that date, you can pre-order it now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble sites (listed on darkfirepress.com/books/kirklynhorror)

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2023: A Big Year Ahead

2023 A Big Year J. M. DeSantis

I meant to update this a while ago, but as the title of this post suggests, the last few months have already been incredibly busy. I’ve exhibited at five different events (with twenty or so still to come this year), I’ve completed more than fifteen new artworks (between fan art, commissions, and some freelance work), and have edited both my next novel and some of the scripts for the upcoming issues of my Chadhiyana series. All of this, and we’re only three-and-a-half months into 2023.

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5 Year Anniversary for Dark Fire Press!

Dark Fire Press: Five Year Anniversary, 2018-2023

My publisher, Dark Fire Press, turns 5 this year! That’s 5 years of creator-owned publishing not only of my own work, but that of others such as Jorge Media, Luiz M. Cruz, and Anibal Arroyo. More publications are coming from them this year (including Chadhiyana and my next novel, The Kirklyn Horror). So check out their site: darkfirepress.com & join their mailing list for updates in your e-mail (their socials are linked on their site).

Congratulations, Dark Fire Press! To another five and more years! Cheers!

Farewell to The Spider’s Web

It’s rare I create superhero art—unless it’s requested, and due to the focus of my art, that’s still a rarity—but this was done for a special occasion.

Saturday, 7 January, was the last day for The Spider’s Web in Yonkers, NY, and the above Spider-Man was a gift to its owner, Paul, as a thank you for all the opportunities and great times he, Andrew, and the rest of the crew provided in the short time I had been frequenting the store. Though The Spider’s Web had been there for ten years, I’ve only gotten to know the spot over the past two years, and it’s difficult to explain how wonderful the place was.

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Chadhiyana #2 on GlobalComix

It’s been a long while coming, but Chadhiyana #2: In the Dwerrow Tomb is now available on GlobalComix as pay-per-page or DRM-free PDF download: globalcomix.com/c/chadhiyana/chapters/en/3/

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The Shows Must Go On!

This Saturday is Free Comic Book Day, and I’ve been invited back to The Spider’s Web in Yonkers, NY to promote and sell my work. So if you’re planning to make any stops for FCBD 2022, be sure to add The Spider’s Web to your list of locations, and drop by to say hello. Also making appearances on Saturday will be Michael Grassia (of Get in Toon!) and Emilio Velez, Jr. (Dodgeball Teens). And this is only the first of a number of growing shows this season on my 2022 convention list!

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Chadhiyana Kickstarter!

From 7 October – 8 November 2021, I’m running a Kickstarter Campaign for Chadhiyana, my dark fantasy comic series, all while travelling around the East Coast for conventions.



If you’re here from the 2021 Inbeon Con virtual event, use the top menu to navigate the entire site. Books & Comics lists my published work with out-going links to buy them. Writing features excerpts of my writing. Art my recently updated portfolio of work. You can also shop my Redbubble Store using the Merch link

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Free Comic Book Day @ The Spider’s Web!

I’m happy to announce I was invited to be a part of The Spider’s Web’s Free Comic Book Day event at their store in Yonkers, NY (887A Yonkers Ave)!

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Chadhiyana Artist Interview & Her Kickstarter

Check out the new Sequential Tart interview with Jackie Musto, artist for Inner Strength (Chadhiyana: Rekindled), and the upcoming Chadhiyana: In the Dwerrow Tomb and Two Birds: sequentialtart.com/article.php?id=3613.

Also, she is currently running a Kickstarter for her wonderful comic, Kay and P! Consider supporting here: kickstarter.com/projects/jackiemusto/kay-and-p-the-final-kickstarter