Archive for the "Events" Category

See You at NYCC Booth 1259

J. M. DeSantis NYCC Booth 1259

New York Comic Con is already upon us and as I’ve said, it seemed to creep up so fast this year. I have a number of new prints ready for this weekend, including new, Cthulhu, Nosferatu and Alice in Wonderland pieces, and my first attempt at a superhero print (a Deadpool and James Bond mash-up, as it were). More, the first collection of Gentleman Cthulhu comics is in-hand. I’ll be on the show floor again this year, at the same booth number: 1259 (not in Artist Alley)! And since last year was such a success, I’m hoping to at least match it this year. Read more… ›

October & New York Comic Con Approach

J. M. DeSantis NYCC 2016

This is one of the most exciting times of the year for me. October is nearly here, and that’s big deal given Halloween is my favourite holiday and my birthday follows just two days after that. More, the New York Comic Con is just a little over week and a half away at this point, and besides Halloween, it’s the one of the only things I can seem to think about right now. Read more… ›

Some Things in the Works

J. M. DeSantis Some Things in the Works

The New York Comic Con is just two weeks away (I know, it seems early to me this year too). Amidst a busy schedule, I’ve been trying to get a number of things ready for the biggest show I do all year (and usually the one I end the year on–though next year I’m debating changing that a bit by adding some new shows). Already I had a few things planned, but my experiences in Boston and Baltimore this year got me thinking about a few additional things I want to add to that already extensive list of projects. Read more… ›

B & D

J. M. DeSantis blog post

It’d been two years since I had been to Baltimore for the Comic-Con, and I was looking forward to going back. I have a number of fans that travel for the show, and I’ve always really enjoyed doing it. There’s a unique atmosphere at the show, as it’s large enough to be considered a large convention yet there’s a sense familiarity usually found only at smaller shows. It’s always been one of my favourites, and it holds the distinction of being both the first show I ever travelled for (beyond the New York-New Jersey area) and the show where I met my publisher, Bill Campbell (Rosarium Publishing), two years ago. That said, it’s also now the first show I ever missed a year of attending and then returned to, and for that reason, I was a bit nervous as to how the show would go for me.


Three Down, One to Go

J. M. DeSantis Events

I had a wonderful time at this past Saturday’s Inbeon Con. It was held in a great location (and I hope this continues for some time) and was well organised. Never mind that since my friend, Eric Hutchison, holds the con every year, it was great to see him and his family (including their new addition) as well as some other friends of mine who attended and exhibited at the show. Plus, these cons are helping me through the grief of my office buddy’s passing. They’re getting me out of the office while still allowing me to connect with my writing and art. It’s been an unexpected but welcome form of therapy in this difficult time (and thank you everyone who offered their condolences). Though perhaps what struck me most about this show (and the week leading up to it) is how many people have (sympathetically) approached me about my blog post about the previous week’s Newark Comic Con. Read more… ›

It’s Been a Difficult Week, to Say the Least

J. M. DeSantis Newark Comic Con 2016

As the title states, it’s been a rough week. On Wednesday, following a wonderful Boston Comic Con and vacationing a few days in Salem, MA, my girlfriend, her daughter and I rushed back to take care of one of our cats only to have him pass away that same night. I had planned to write an entire blog piece about him today, yet on the other hand, this past Saturday was an equally notable experience: the Newark Comic Con. Though the fans were great and I did well financially at the show, I can’t put it any other way than it was the worst show I’ve ever attended. I feel strongly that artists and vendors should not support it based on mine and others’ experience there, and I feel compelled to share that. Read more… ›

See You Next Year, Boston!

J. M. DeSantis Boston Comic Con 2016-2017 Newark Comic Con

Yes, as the title implies, I’ve already signed up for an Artist Alley table at next years’ Boston Comic Con. It’s honestly one of my favourite shows to do in my favourite city (I still think I’d like to move up this way someday). This year’s show was another success. I’ve sold out of a few things, and I don’t know that I’ll be able to restock on these items for this Saturday’s Newark Comic Con. (Sorry, though I still have plenty of prints and books available.). Though Aside from sales alone, there’s a lot more appeal to exhibiting at the Boston Comic Con. Read more… ›

Boston Comic Con & Then Another Three

J. M. DeSantis Boston Comic Con 2016

This weekend, you can find me in Artist Alley at the Boston Comic Con Friday, Saturday and Sunday. According the convention’s website (, my Artist Alley table is C722, and from the looks of things on the map it’s located slightly right of the exact center of the show (that is, right based on where the entrance is located). Of course, how that plays out in physical terms is entirely different, but it looks like a pretty nice spot. That said, and somewhat surprising even to me, Boston is going to be the first of four consecutive shows. Read more… ›

Thank You GSCF and On a Much More Serious Note…

J. M. DeSantis blog post

This blog piece is a bit difficult to write, as I’m quite torn on precisely what to write. On one hand, this past weekend I was exhibiting at the Garden State Comic Fest and honestly came out of the event with some relatively noteworthy news to share. On the other hand, over dinner on Sunday, my girlfriend brought me up to speed about the recent shootings in Baton Rouge and Falcon Heights and the intense backlash (on both “sides”, as it were) following this news. So, I am quite torn. I’d love to share my experience at the GSCF, yet I seem this time particularly unable to ignore what is happening in the world beyond my small and rather insignificant life (in the broader scheme of things). But, I suppose, like most convoluted stories or thoughts, its best to start at the beginning, though a part of me feels icky doing so. Read more… ›

GSCF This Weekend

J. M. DeSantis at the Garden State Comic Fest 2016

As usual the week of an upcoming convention, I’m just writing this to remind anyone living in or near Morristown, New Jersey (or making a trip there) that I will be exhibiting at the Garden State Comic Fest on Saturday and Sunday at the Mennen Sports Arena. This will be both my second year doing the show and the show’s second at this new(ish) location. Read more… ›